HackLondon 2015

I am so excited to be judge today at the largest hackathon the UK has ever seen, https://hacklondon.org/. HackLondon is a 24 hour hackathon hosted by KCL Tech, UCL TechSoc and UCLe. Fares, our amazing undergrad student, told me “it’s going to be epic, everything is free, and any student can participate (no experience required)”. I am coming after they have programmed already for almost 30h without any notable sleep – I can’t wait to see all those lovely zombie faces …

… what an event that was! Full house and truly (!) emotional. Fares got a standing ovation from the crowd. And I also got carried away and decided ad-hoc to give my own prize of 2h mentoring + £200 book vouchers for a mixed technical and artistic writing hack called #TwitterNovel. It is a crowdsourced way of writing a novel via Twitter – great, isn’t it?


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