My World Of Storytelling
I have had the privilege of sharing insights on 5G, 6G, AI, the Internet of Skills, IoT, Smart Cities, Entrepreneurship and Leadership through various conferences and industry events. These opportunities have allowed me to inspire and be part of important conversations on the future of technology and society.
I have had the opportunity to speak three TEDx. For instance, December 2013, I spoke at TEDxLondon City 2.0 on “Smart Cities – The Untold Story,” where I delved into the less-discussed aspects of Smart Cities and their impact on our future urban environments.
And I’m incredibly proud to have had the opportunity to teach and connect with almost half a million students through three MOOCs on the Internet of Things, 5G and Engineering.
Over the years, I have also delivered more than 150 keynotes, engaging with diverse audiences worldwide. These talks have provided a platform to discuss emerging technologies and their impact on society. Additionally, I have participated in nearly 100 panels and conducted over 100 three-hours-long tutorials, focusing on the practical and strategic aspects of the fields I worked on.
TEDx London
Presented my findings on Smart Cities and the Internet of Things. Conducted a few interviews with Londoners, aged 5 to 50. Must watch!
TEDx King’s
I pioneered the concept of the Internet of Skills, which I presented in this TEDx talk. What was a vision back then, is slowly becoming reality.
TEDx Youth
Noa and I have performed the world’s first 5G concert between London and Berlin. We are sharing our back-stage experiences here.
Memorable Keynotes
Among the many keynotes, these three Plenary Keynotes are my most memorable:
OFC 2017 in Los Angeles, U.S. (4,000 people): In this plenary opening keynote, I presented my vision of the “Internet of Skills – Where Communications, Robotics and AI Meet”. It was the first time at that point that I had exposed my ideas to such a large audience. It was nerve-racking for sure, but an incredible experience in my career.
ICASSP 2019 in Brighton, UK, (3,000 people): The prime academic event in signal processing, I substantiated my views on the “Internet of Skills — Where 5G, Robotics and AI Meet.”
Coleman Institute in Colorado, U.S., in front of & with disabled and disadvantaged: The only presentation I can remember where I cried on stage. It was very emotional for me to engage with such bright people whose only disadvantage in life is that they are disabled and disadvantaged. I will never forget ❤️.

Selected 2024 Keynotes

“The Dawn of an Immersive Internet: XR, Generative AI and the Road to 6G,” IEEE MeditCom 2024, Madrid, July 2024.

“Spectrum Challenges in the 5G and 6G Era,” IEEE DySPAN 2024, SWIFT, Washington DC, 13 May 2024.

“On the way to 6G,” Princeton NextG Symposium 2024, Plenary Keynote, w/ Mathias Riback, Princeton, 1 May 2024.
Selected Panels

“6G White House Panel,” w/ NSF, NTIA and FCC to discuss the US industry position on 6G and telecoms, Washington DC, April 2023.

“Renaissance 2.0 – Does Tech Have A Bigger Purpose?,” w/ Microsoft Deputy CTO Lila Tretikov, Imagine Possible, Santa Clara, 18 October 2022

“Bridging the Digital Divide, and the Future of Work – a U.S. & Silicon Valley View,” OFC 2022, San Diego, USA, 7 March 2022.

Selected Tutorials

“The Dawn of an Immersive Internet: XR, Generative AI and the Road to 6G,”
IEEE ICC 2024, Denver, U.S, 9 June 2024.

“Riding the New Wave: Spectrum Strategies for the 5G & 6G Era,” IEEE DySPAN 2024, DC, U.S., 13 May 2024.

“Beyond The Hype: How 5G & 6G Empower The Immersive XR Revolution,” IEEE Comsoc Training, 2024.
MOOC 1: 5G

Proud to have my Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on 5G featured on LinkedIn Learning. It is a popular course with more than 100,000 learners to date.
Another very popular MOOC is hosted on FutureLearn and is on the Internet of Things (IoT). I have had more than 100,000 learners to date.

MOOC 3: Eng

My third MOOC is on principles of engineering, leadership and product design. Done with my former colleagues at King’s, it was recorded just before I left.
IEEE Distinguished Lectures
I was recently re-appointed as IEEE Distinguished Lecturer, and re-started to give in-person as well as online tutorials and lectures on all topics 5G, 6G, Generative AI, AR, VR, spectrum, etc.
I was already IEEE Distinguished Lecturer twice in the past. From 2012 – 2013, I gave lectures globally in the Asia-Pacific region, Canada and U.S.. From 2014-2015, I gave lectures in Taiwan and the Middle East.
If you want me to give an IEEE Distinguished Lecture, just contact me or the IEEE.