In The Spotlight!
I am proud to have been featured in hundreds of media, TV and radio appearances throughout my career. Each opportunity to share my insights and experiences with a global audience has been – frankly speaking – nerve-racking but also very rewarding. It allowed me to contribute to conversations that shape our world. These appearances were more than just moments in the spotlight to me.
Among the many highlights, I am particularly fond of my inclusion in the Amazon series with the famous Roca brothers (see below). TV interviews with networks like the BBC, CNN and Sky News are also moments I am fond of. They provided me with a platform to discuss important topics from 5G to technology at large.
I have also been featured in some of the most-read media outlets, such as the Financial Time, BBC, Guardian, Wired, WSJ, among many others. My interview with the Voice of America and CNN on the topic of the Internet of Skills and 5G has reached more than 100 million people.
On Amazon Prime
Really proud to be on Amazon Prime as part of an amazing series on cross-disciplinary innovation with the famous 3-Star Michelin Roca Brothers ❤️. Commissioned by The Macallan, “Distil Your World London” is a journey of learning and change.
The Roca brothers—Joan, Josep, and Jordi—are the masterminds behind El Celler de Can Roca, a renowned three-Michelin-starred restaurant in Girona, Spain; with a global acclaim for their creative and boundary-pushing approach to fine dining.
You can watch it on Amazon Prime UK. For any other territories, just search for “Distil Your World London” with more information on The Macallan.
The reason we did this episode is because I worked at that time on many cross-disciplinary problems where I brought the technology community together with e.g. the artist community. We also discussed my vision on the Internet of Skills:
“My vision is that in 10, 20, 30 years’ time, we will be able to execute physical skills, so there will be muscle movement and touch through the internet in the very same way as we transmit sound and video today. It will democratise skills in the same way as today’s internet has democratised knowledge.“

TV Appearances

250 TV & Media Interviews