
Impact Recognition

Each step throughout my career has been both challenging and rewarding. The journey has demanded perseverance, innovation, and an unwavering commitment to excellence. I am deeply honored to have my work recognized through numerous awards and accolades, each reminding me of the dedication and passion I try to bring to every endeavor. These recognitions are big milestones for me personally, and affirmations that all the hard work was worth it. I am proud to continue pushing boundaries and contributing to the fields I am passionate about.

Among these honors, I am particularly proud of the awards that recognize the societal impact of my work and the prestigious Fellowships I have been granted. These distinctions recognize the broader significance of my contributions and the positive change they have inspired in communities and industries alike. Being recognized for making a difference not just in my field, but in the world, is incredibly fulfilling and motivates me to continue striving for innovation that benefits society as a whole.


IET Achievement Medal,
October 2021.

21st Century Icon Award,
September 2018.

Best Paper Award,
IEEE Globecom 2014.


CIO Magazine “Visionary Leader Making Waves in Mobile Connectivity,” 2024.

Nominated to MIT’s Technology Review’s 2004 list of 100 young inventors, 2014.

Doctor Honoris Causa (PhD DHC, honorary doctorate), INSA, France, 2015.


Fellow IEEE,

Fellow Royal Academy of Engineering (RAEng), 2017.

Royal Society of Arts (RSA),


3rd round of the International Olympics in Physics, Germany,

2nd round of German Olympics in Mathematics, Germany,

Winner of the Olympics in Physics in Thuringia, Germany (twice),
1990 & 1991.