
This page is very long! It contains all about me on a single page, thus easily searchable. Here, the structure of my page:

  1. my official (short) biography with photo;
  2. some details on how best to contact me;
  3. awards and recognitions;
  4. advisory and board positions;
  5. media and press coverage;
  6. keynotes;
  7. panels;
  8. my books;
  9. various book chapters;
  10. the theses I authored;
  11. blogs & podcasts; as well as
  12. journal papers; and
  13. conference papers;
  14. research activities and contributions;
  15. editorial duties;
  16. lectures and tutorials;
  17. activities related to conferences; as well as my
  18. lectures and student engagements;
  19. entrepreneurship;
  20. mentoring;
  21. innovation policy contributions;
  22. standards;
  23. industry committees;
  24. granted patents; as well as selected
  25. industry projects.

1. Biography

Mischa Dohler is now VP Emerging Technologies at Ericsson Inc. in Silicon Valley, working on cutting-edge topics of 5G/6G, AR and Generative AI. He serves on the Spectrum Advisory Board of Ofcom, and served on the Technical Advisory Committee of the FCC.

He is a Fellow of the IEEE, the Royal Academy of Engineering, the Royal Society of Arts (RSA), the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET); the AP Artificial Intelligence Association (AAIA); and a Distinguished Member of Harvard Square Leaders Excellence. He is a serial entrepreneur with 5 companies; composer & pianist with 5 albums on Spotify/iTunes; and fluent in several languages. He has had ample coverage by national and international press and media, and is featured on Amazon Prime.

He is a frequent keynote, panel and tutorial speaker, and has received numerous awards. He has pioneered several research fields, contributed to numerous wireless broadband, IoT/M2M and cyber security standards, holds a dozen patents, organized and chaired numerous conferences, was the Editor-in-Chief of two journals, has more than 300 highly-cited publications, and authored several books. He is a Top-1% Cited Innovator across all science fields globally.

He was Professor in Wireless Communications at King’s College London and Director of the Centre for Telecommunications Research from 2013-2021, driving cross-disciplinary research and innovation in technology, sciences and arts. He is the Cofounder and former CTO of the IoT-pioneering company Worldsensing; cofounder and former CTO of the AI-driven satellite company SiriusInsight.AI, and cofounder of the sustainability company Movingbeans. He also worked as a Senior Researcher at Orange/France Telecom from 2005-2008.

2. Contact

The best way to contact me is as follows:

  • Press & really urgent matters: six six nine – 649 – 3838
  • Email for non urgent matters: mischa dot dohler at ericsson dot com
  • Office Visit: please contact by email as I am often traveling
  • Also connect via Twitter, LinkedInYouTube, Club House, Skype & Facebook

3. Awards and Recognitions

  • Fellow of the AP Artificial Intelligence Association (AAIA), July 2024.
  • CIO Magazine “Visionary Leader Making Waves in Mobile Connectivity,” 2024
  • IEEE ComSoc Distinguished Lecturer on 6G, AI & XR, Class of 2024-2025
  • IET Achievement Medal, October 2021.
  • 21st Century Icon Award, September 2018.
  • Fellow of the Institution of Engineering and Technology, May 2018.
  • Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, September 2017.
  • Artist-verified account on Spotify, April 2017.
  • Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (RSA), June 2016.
  • Doctor Honoris Causa (Ph.D. DHC), INSA, France, June 2015.
  • Best Personal Tutor Award, Faculty of NMS, KCL, 2015.
  • Best Paper Award, IEEE Globecom 2014, for pioneering work on 5G systems.
  • IEEE Fellow for “contributions to machine-to-machine communications”, 2014.
  • Nomination to “Media Personality of the Year” at King’s College London, 2014.
  • IEEE Distinguished Lecturer, Communications Society, 2012-2013 & 2014-2015.
  • Significant Contribution as Editorial Board member of IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials from 2008-2011.
  • Top Associate Editor for IEEE TVT for first submissions in 2008.
  • Award of personal Spanish national grant Torres Quevedo, PTQ-08-01-06440.
  • Nominated to MIT’s Technology Review’s 2004 list of 100 young inventors, whose invention will profoundly change the world for the invention of Virtual Antenna Arrays, US, 2004.
  • Visiting Lecturer Girling Watson Fellowship, Sydney University with Prof. Branka Vucetic, Australia, 2004.
  • IEEE Award for outstanding leadership in student activities in the UKRI Section, UK, 2002.
  • National Scholarship from Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes, (top 1% graduates only), Germany, 1995 – 2000.
  • Unique 1-year grant from Siemens for exceptional performance, 1994.
  • 3rd round of the International Olympics in Physics, Germany, 1993.
  • 2nd round of German Olympics in Mathematics, Germany, 1992.
  • Winner of the Olympics in Physics in Thuringia, Germany (twice), 1990 & 1991.

4. Advisory and Board Appointments

  • Ofcom (UK Regulator) Spectrum Advisory Board, 2016-ongoing.
  • FCC (US Regulator) Technical Advisory Committee, 2022-2024.
  • Cambridge Wireless Advisory Board, 2018-2019.
  • EPSRC Strategic Advisory Team (SAT), UK, 2014-2018.
  • RUSI Futures Advisory Board, 2017-2018.
  • Global Change Ambassador @ Round Table, 2017-2018.
  • “Leonardo Advisory Group” to King’s Science Gallery, 2016-2018.
  • IEEE ComSoc Strategic Planning Committee, 2016-2018.
  • IEEE ComSoc Emerging Technologies Committee, 2016-2018.
  • KTH International Scientific Advisory Board, Sweden, 2014-2016.
  • Tech London Advocate, London, UK, 2015-2016.
  • TechUK IoT Council, 2015-2016.
  • 21st Century’s Technology Stars, 2015-2016.
  • CAPITA’s Create Tomorrow Smart City Group, 2015-2016.
  • Digital Catapult Advisory Network (CAN), WG on IoT, 2014-2016.
  • Project Auditor/Reviewer for the EC, 2006-2016.
  • Project Proposal Evaluator for the EC, ANR and EPSRC, 2006-2016.
  • Advisory Board “RAN World” with ETSI, 3GPP and NGMN, 2014-2016.
  • Digital Catapult “IoT Expert” Advisor, UK, 2014-2016.
  • mVCE Company Board, UK, 2014-2016.
  • International Advisory Board of ICST Trans. on INIS, 2014-2016.
  • Advisory Board of Intern. Symp. on Future Mobile Networks: 5G and Beyond, 2015.
  • Evaluator Expert on the Finnish IoT Program, 2014.
  • BEREC Brussels regulator consultation on M2M, 2014.
  • Expert Contributor to the EC’s Horizon 2020 Program, 2012.

5. Media and Press Coverage

  • “Far EasTone FET CEO at MWC 2024,” China Times, 24 Feb 2024.
  • “Ericsson on 5G use cases: remote surgery, augmented and virtual reality with AI agent all depend on 3GPP URLLC specs,” IEEE Comsoc Technology Blog, 19 April 2024.
  • “Mischa Dohler, Chief Architect at Ericsson: 6G development requires cooperation in competition,” Finance Sina, 22 March 2023.
  • “MWC ’23: XR, 5G and AI to Power Third Phase of the Internet,” AI Business, 2 March 2023.
  • “[MWC 23] The ‘XR era’ has a long way to go?… Experts “5G· AI convergence will accelerate”,” Tech M, 2 March 2023.
  • “MWC23 Barcelona – Smart Mobility Summit: Reach for the impossible (Panel Discussion),” MWC 2023, 1 March 2023.
  • “GBx Salon Series: Web 3.0,” British Consulate San Francisco, 18 January 2023.
  • “5G, 6G, and the Metaverse: A Silicon Valley View TryEngineering Tuesday,” IEEE, 6 December 2022.
  • “How can telecom companies enable the metaverse?,” RCR Wireless (covering our 5G Metaverse blog), 14 August 2022.
  • “Top 5 metaverse ‘metaplaces’: Ericsson sees consumer and enterprise applications,” RCR Wireless (covering our 5G Metaverse metaplaces blog), 2 August 2022.
  • “Questions Remain About Push to 6G, With 5G in Early Stages: IEEE Experts,” Consumer Electronics Daily, 16 June 2022.
  • “Questions Remain About Push to 6G, With 5G in Early Stages: IEEE Experts,” Communications Daily, 15 June 2022.
  • “The Promise of 6G,” EE Times Asia, 10 June 2022.
  • “Escape Velocity: Standard Agnostic Wireless To Go Beyond Gs?,” Teck Nexus, May 2022.
  • “Do we need 6G? And all about Self-Synthesizing Networks,” EE Times Europe Magazine, 15 November 2021 issue.
  • “Ericsson hires telecoms academic to become chief architect for 6G,” Capacity Media, 2 November 2021.
  • “What’s up with… BT, Mischa Dohler & Ericsson, cloud security,” Telecom TV, 1 November 2021.
  • “Mischa Dohler – an engineer, composer and pianist – gives us an insight into a multi-disciplinary future,” ETSI Standards, Spot Light Article, October 2021 issue.
  • “AI and Semiconductor Memory: More, More, More,” EE Times, 1 October 2021.
  • “Move over 5G! 6G mobile data will put your home broadband speeds to shame,” Express, 21 August 2021.
  • “La implicació dels avenços tecnològics en l’àmbit laboral: Les competències digitals,” Axxon (in Catalan), 10 August 2021.
  • “New pioneering research centre for 6G technology launching in UK,” Innovation News Network, 5 August 2021.
  • “UK universities’ 6G research hub,” Advanced Television, 5 August 2021.
  • “Research Alliances Grow to Learn How 6G Will Play Out,” EE News Europe, 5 August 2021.
  • “Two UK universities launch 6G centre,” EE News Europe, 4 August 2021.
  • “What’s up with… Lumen, Mavenir & Triangle, 6G in the UK,” Telecom TV, 4 August 2021.
  • “Research powerhouses join forces to maximise global potential of 6G next generation mobile technology,” Mirage News, 4 August 2021.
  • “Give technology a soul,” The Bunker Daily, 25 July 2021.
  • “King’s launches engineering online course for refugee students and host communities,” King’s College London, 17 June 2021.
  • “Anti-vaxxer’s testimony to lawmakers recites Covid-19 misinformation,” AFP Fact Check, 15 June 2021.
  • “NGMN Urges ICT Companies to Tackle Climate Change,” Press Box, 26 April 2021.
  • “The London Visionary: Mischa Dohler,” Amazon Prime, Dec 2020.
  • “Next tech breakthrough will be internet of skills, says expert,” The Hindu, 8 Dec 2020.
  • “Technology to synchronize realities – 5G scholar,” RT, 27 Nov 2020.
  • “La importancia y urgencia de la conectividad rural regional: punto de consenso en el segundo día de la Conferencia Ministerial Latinoamericana de la Elac 2020,” Governments of Latam (in Spanish), 24 Nov 2020.
  • “Autoridades de América Latina y Caribe analizarán la agenda digital “eLAC 2022,” El Nuevo Diario (in Spanish), 20 Nov 2020.
  • “Nace 5G Ventures, que prevé captar 5 millones para impulsar 6 ‘startups’ de tecnología 5G,” El Confidential (in Spanish), 16 Nov 2020.
  • “Una nueva tecnología masificará las videollamadas holográficas,” La Opinión A Coruña (in Spanish), 3 Nov 2020.
  • “Films that you can direct with your face… Whatever Next?,” Apple Podcast on 5G, October 2020.
  • “La 5G pour être connectés culturellemen,” Services Mobiles (in French), 22 Oct 2020.
  • “Drone delivery: accelerated by Covid-19 but not yet taking off,” New Statesman, 15 September 2020.
  • “Experts reject conspiracy theories about ‘5G microchip implants’,” AFP Fact Check, 1 June 2020.
  • “Con tecnología 5G llega la era de los hologramas,” El Tiempo (in Spanish), 18 May 2020.
  • “5G: Creating culture in times of confinement,” Tech Register, 15 May 2020.
  • “How Britain Fell for the 5G Conspiracy Theory,” Vice, 29 April 2020.
  • “Most household chores will be fully automated by 2040, experts believe,” Express (and many other outlets), 18 March 2020.
  • “L’internet di domani digitalizzerà anche l’essere umano,” Le Macchine Volanti (in Italian), 27 Feb 2020.
  • “5G revolution will “change the game” in a new era of collaboration,” Time24News, 21 Feb 2020.
  • “Mischa Dohler: 5G trará a ‘realidade sincronizada’,” Dinheiro Vivo (in Portuguese), 19 February 2020.
  • “10 ways 5G will transform healthcare,” 5G Radar, 23 January 2020.
  • “Democratizing Skills For 5G,” LSN Global, 17 December 2019.
  • “What is the Internet of Skills,” Analytics India Magazine, 16 December 2019.
  • “Emerging Trends in Business for 2020,” Accenture, 15 December 2019.
  • “The Internet of Skills: Risks and Opportunities,” JDSupra, 12 December 2019.
  • “5G: ¿Cuándo (y cómo) llegará a México?” Forbes (in Spanish), 9 December 2019.
  • “Red 5G será una realidad en 2025 en México, pero solo a nivel consumidores,” Expansion (in Spanish), 9 December 2019.
  • “How the Next Generation of Mobile Computing Is Already Changing the Face of Health Care,” Inc., 3 December 2019
  • “Is Latin America ready for 5G?,” BN Americas, 14 November 2019.
  • “Reguladores flexibles y más espectro, las piezas clave para detonar el 5G,” Expansion (in Spanish), 12 November 2019.
  • “La Red 5G operaría el próximo año en México pero expertos urgen regulación,” El Economista (in Spanish), 12 November 2019.
  • “Por falta de 5G, México no entra a la ola del Internet de las Cosas,” Expansion, 30 October 2019.
  • “Technologists meet at KARMA Automotive to explore transformative power of emerging 5G Technologies,” AutoFutures TV, 8 October 2019.
  • “What does 5G mean for automotive connectivity?,” Engineer Live, 17 September 2019.
  • “Why The U.S. And Europe Need To Win In Wireless,” The Innovator News, 26 August 2019.
  • “How 5G will supercharge businesses to work in real time,” Wired, 8 August 2019.
  • “Jamie Cullum – World’s First 5G Music Lesson,” BBC1, EIN Newsamong others, 25 June 2019.
  • “El ‘internet táctil’ que viene con el 5G,” Innovadores, 21 June 2019.
  • “Vodafone hails UK 5G promise at digital hub launch,” Mobile World Live, 20 June 2019.
  • “Map Shows International Cyber Attacks In Real Time,” Sky News, 13 June 2019.
  • “5G: The Fifth Generation of Mobile Network Communication Technology,” Asian Tribune, 8 June 2019.
  • “Why 5G Isn’t Just Faster 4G,” Forbes, 25 May 2019.
  • “Busting the myths around the value of 5G for consumers,” Ericsson, May 2019.
  • “H Vs E: Naming Names,” Forbes, 24 April 2019.
  • “Mischa Dohler: El sistema de escuelas se ha optimizado, ¿pero dónde están los Leonardos?”, Catalunya Press, 5 April 2019.
  • “The world’s first 5G orchestra at King’s College London,” King’s College London, 25 March 2019.
  • “Web at 30. The won, lost and the next 30 years?,” Medium, 22 March 2019.
  • “Orchestrating the 5G Orchestra in a world’s first,” Standards Body ETSI, 19 March 2019.
  • “Remote control of museum restorers,” The Times (printed edition), 17 March 2019.
  • “5G Mobilfunk: Chancen und Risiken,” ZDF, 25 February 2019.
  • “The 5G wireless revolution,” Guardian podcast, 1 February 2019.
  • “Necesitamos asegurarnos de que tenemos atractivo internacional y relevancia,” El Economista, 25 January 2019.
  • “Did you know that 5G will be about 10 times faster than the current 4G?,” Live Media, 9 January 2019.
  • “The technology which could end traffic jams,” BBC, 12 December 2018.
  • “Ericsson and 5G, we tried the new technology,” Wired (in Italian), 30 November 2018.
  • “El arte urbano de Bostik Murals, gran ganador del Premio Lluís Carulla 2018,” La Vanguardia, 26 November 2018.
  • “El premi Lluís Carulla impulsa l’art urbà de Bostik Murals,” ARA.cat, 26 November 2018.
  • “La prossima internet connetterà le skills – Human 4.0” “Human 4.0 and Internet of Skills – the next Internet will connect skills” [in Italian], 24Ore, 15 November 2018.
  • “21st Century Icon Awards celebrate next generation,” Biz Asia, 27 September 2018.
  • “Hologram phone calls – sci-fi or serious possibility?,” BBC, 20 September 2018.
  • “7 Fields and Professions That Are Beginning to Rely on Virtual Reality,” Innovation Excellence, 6 September 2018.
  • “More UK cities are testing 5G. Here’s how it could be useful,” Wired, 5 September 2018.
  • “Is Britain being left behind in the race for 5G?,” The Times, 12 August 2018.
  • “Government must ensure the UK does not cede its 5G leadership,” Public Technology, 13 July 2018.
  • “S’ha de potenciar més l’ensenyament transversal,” Diari de Girona, 11 July 2018.
  • “Girona, epicentro de la educación del futuro con los Creativation Talks,” 20 Minutos (in Spanish), 10 July 2018.
  • “5G connects London and Berlin in music and song,” Newswire, 26 June 2018.
  • “City ground zero for first ever concert in 5G technology,” London City Matters, 25 June 2018,
  • “Our 5G Future,” BBC World Service, 24 June 2018.
  • “India, UK academic institutions to collaborate on 5G technologies,” Business Standard, 21 June 2018.
  • “London and Berlin’s 5G collaboration hits the high notes with Epiphany,” 5G News, 13 June 2018.
  • “World Cup Click Off,” BBC Click, reporting on our Internet of Skills football solution, 9 June 2018.
  • “5G technology can change the world,” Blasting News, 20 May 2018.
  • “Autonomous drone services tested over intercontinental 5G,” 5G News, 16 May 2018.
  • “The 5G Revolution: What you should know,” Workspace, 15 May 2018.
  • “A General Perspective of 5G,” Rail Engineer, 14 May 2018.
  • “Drones to the rescue!,” BBC, 1 May 2018.
  • “The student of the 21st Century: How can organisations and top-managers train their employees to become skilled end-users?,” Business Reporter, 12 April 2018.
  • “5G gets cheaper than 4G,” Computer World (in Norwegian), 12 April 2018.
  • “5G Is Coming,” BBC Click, 7 April 2018.
  • “5G future: a world of remote colonoscopies,” Financial Times, 28 March 2018.
  • “Universities should be integral to the success of the cities they call home,” Wonk HE, 2 March 2018.
  • “Bristol and Surrey universities, King’s College London debut the world’s first end-to-end 5G network at Mobile World Congress,” Europa Wire, 28 February 2018.
  • “Y la ventanilla única de ayudas de la UE?,” El Mundo, 25 January 2018.
  • “Harnessing the power of 5G communications,” Business Reporter, 14 February 2018.
  • “How 5G could change everything from music to medicine,” CNN, 5 February 2018.
  • “How 5G will transform the way we learn new skills,” CNN, 5 February 2018.
  • “IEEE Releases Details About Its 5G and Beyond Roadmap,” The IEEE Institute, 25 January 2018.
  • “Future technologies,” CNBC (World) Sustainable Energy, 23 January 2018.
  • “Vodafone, Ericsson and King’s College London test standalone pre-standard 5G,” The Economic Times, 21 December 2017.
  • “Five takeaways from Keysight’s 5G Tech Connect conference,” EDN, 19 December 2017.
  • “Smart City steht vor dem Durchbruch” on Austrian Kurier (in German), 11 December 2017.
  • “Internet of Things and Sustainable Energy” on CNBC (World) The Business Class, 21 November 2017.
  • “Smart Cities: Mastercard steckt Expertise in die Weiterentwicklung der Städte,” APA OTS, 20 November 2017.
  • “Lamposts could light the way for smart cities to become a reality,” World Finance, 8 November 2017.
  • “King’s College London 5G Achievements,” DigiAnalysys, 14 October 2017.
  • “New IEEE 5G and Beyond Technology Roadmap White Paper Published,” Business Wire, 4 October 2017.
  • “What will stop these self-driving lorries colliding?,” BBC, 3 October 2017.
  • “First commercial 5G rollout will begin in 2020—Report,” RS-Tech, 3 October 2017.
  • “IMC 2017: UK eyes partnerships with Indian telcos, Digital India,” Business Standard, 27 September 2017.
  • “Internet de las habilidades, una tecnología para humanizar,” El Espectador, Colombia, 6 September 2017.
  • “Cidades inteligentes precisam que ‘big data’ se torne ‘big action’,” FAPESP, 7 August 2017.
  • “Smart Cities need ‘Big Data’ to Become ‘Big Action’,” Revista Amazonia, 7 August 2017.
  • “Benvinguts al future,” Entreacte, 21 July 2017.
  • “Trials of 5G in the UK will start in early 2018 as £16m funding handed out by government,” many important outlets, 7 July 2017.
  • “Reshaping our world with 5G research,” Ericsson Press, June 2017.
  • “Fellowship in Action: Music for Mental Wealth,” Royal Society of Arts (RSA), 15 June 2017.
  • “Future Technologies Now – 5G Internet of Skills,” Kommersant (Russia’s leading business journal), 1 June 2017.
  • “5G Mobile Networks to Revolutionize How We Create & Consume Media + Content,” TechMutiny, June-Sept 2017.
  • “Benefits of 5G innovation may outweigh costs for NHS, says top surgeon,” Computer Weekly, 31 May 2017.
  • “Can connected health be the lifeblood of 5G?,” various venues such as Mobile World, Digital Health, TelecomTV & LightReading, 31 May 2017.
  • “Could Surgeons Operate Using the Internet?,” Voice of America (>200m audience per week), 1st April 2017.
  • “400,000 extra phone masts needed to bring 5g network to rural Britain,” The Telegraph, 31 March 2017.
  • “Could ‘Internet of Skills’ Be Next Technological Leap?,” Voice of America (>200m audience per week), 24 March 2017.
  • “How Optical & Wireless Could Build the ‘Internet of Skills’,” LightReading (and many others)m 22 March 2017.
  • “I want to hear you breathing: A conversation with Mischa Dohler,” The Theatre Times, 4 March 2017.
  • “BT, Ericsson, King’s College London Team Up on 5G R&D, Testing,” Lightreading, 24 February 2017.
  • “Meet the pioneers keeping hackers out of your home, phone and car,” WIRED, 21 February 2017.
  • mentioned inBristol joins race to be test bed for ultra-fast 5G technology,” BBC News, 8 February 2017.
  • ‘Netflix for the performance arts’ aims to revolutionise the world of theatre and dance,” The i newspaper online iNews, 29 January 2017.
  • “5G Can Create a Healthier Internet of Medicine,” Wireless Mag, 18 November 2016.
  • “Broadband Speeds in the UK,” Sky News Morning Show, 16 November 2016.
  • “Forget smart devices, soon entire homes could be built to be connected from the ground up,” Wired Hive Future Thinkers, 9 November 2016.
  • “Sky Views: My frustration with an internet we still can’t touch,” Sky News, 5 October 2016.
  • “Smart city dream held back by siloed networks,” Total Telecom, 5 October 2016.
  • “5G Summit: Work on the Mobile Future,” Mopo24 (in German), 30 September 2016.
  • “Launch of London’s Free LPWAN IoT Network,” Wireless, The Stack, Government Computing, The Register, Computer WeeklyIT Pro,  on King’s involvement in the deployment, 20 September 2016.
  • “Are we prepared for 5G and Smart Cities?,” Sky News Business Program, 19 September 2016.
  • “Launch of Amazon Echo – Implications for Privacy, Internet of Things and Home Automation,” on BBC World GMT, 14 September 2016.
  • “Why do mobile phone batteries catch fire?,” on Sky News Tech Show, 9 September 2016.
  • “A Step Closer to 5G Technology That Evokes Connected Cars, Virtual Surgery,” ABC News, 14 July 2016.
  • “Ericsson and King’s College London give tactile robotic surgery the finger with 5G” in various media outlets after the 5G World Summit, e.g. Fierce Wireless/iTWire/TelecomTV, 28-29 June 2016.
  • “IoT industry should focus on demand rather than need” on Wireless Magazine, 24 June 2016.
  • “5G Applications & Technologies” on BBC World TV, 3 June 2016.
  • “The tiny sensors transforming our lives” on CNBC online, 19 May 2016.
  • “The tech saving lives in Africa” on CNBC online, 12 May 2016.
  • “Stefan Means Business” on Soho Radio, 12 May 2016.
  • “Past, Presence and Future of Digital Communications” on Risk Group PLC, 11 May 2016.
  • “Changing the world with tech – Part I & II” televised globally on CNBC (showing our 5G and Tactile Internet developments), 4 May 2016.
  • “Who is protecting the internet of things from cyberattacks?” on Wired, 4 May 2016.
  • “How safe is your personal information on the internet?” on Al Jazeera Inside Story, 28 April 2016.
  • “What does 5G mean for IoT?” on Telecom TV, 12 April 2016.
  • “Banks and Cyber Crime” on Sky Business News, 24 March 2016.
  • “Six Ways to avoid missing plane” on BBC Future, Chinese Edition, 1 March 2016.
  • “Ericsson launches 5G Collaboration with King’s College London,” Telecoms, 29 February 2016.
  • Unencrypted sensor data allows hackers free reign to control valves and drones” on Danish Media (in Danish), November 2015.
  • “TalkTalk Security Hack” on LBC Radio, October 2015.
  • “Why Bristol’s ship-shape for starting a business,” on Start-Ups, 25 August 2015.
  • “Who will lead the push to a smarter way of life in cities?” in The Guardian, 3 August, 2015.
  • “Key to a connected lifestyle and 5G” on Finanzen (in German), 25 June 2015.
  • “Ericsson Announces Live 5G Test Networks” on various media outlets, May/June 2015.
  • “The Tactile Internet: Touch Me, Now You Can!” at TEDxKingsCollegeLondon, May 2015.
  • “5G Professor backed by Ericsson calls for no more Gs” on Inside 5G, April 2015.
  • “The encouraging entrepreneurial environment in China” on China Daily, April 2015.
  • “Difficulty of doing startup” on China Daily, April 2015.
  • “Web of Insecurity: Hacked Baby Monitors Highlight Perils of Internet of Things” on Newsweek, April 2015.
  • “Why the Internet of Things will be the Internet of YOU” on Telefonica Digital Futures, March 2015.
  • “Tactile internet: 5G and the Cloud on steroids,” Engineering & Technology Magazine, March 2015.
  • “Three wireless technologies that could make 5G even faster” on The Conversation, March 2015.
  • “A closer look at the disruptive state of the industry” on Ericsson, March 2015.
  • “5G is disrupting the Telco industry” on Mobile World, Borneo Post and others after MWC 2015 5G Panel, March 2015.
  • “Future of black box technologies” on Sky News Technology Program, City AM, March 2015.
  • “Black box technology of GermanWing crash” on Sky News, March 2015.
  • “Mobile Industry’s 5G Revolution Heralds the Rise of the Machines,” Bloomberg, February 2015.
  • “UK/US cyber security agreement” on Sky News, London Radio, Feb 2015.
  • “The Future 100: Trends and Change to Watch in 2015” on US Exchange Magazine, entry 49, December 2014.
  • “Smart Cities, Tactile Internet, 5G and Entrepreneurship – some digital policy thoughts” on Digitising Europe Berlin, December 2014.
  • “Is car technology creating stupid drivers?” on BBC Future, November 2014.
  • “Webcam cyber security breach” on Sky News and other outlets, 2014.
  • “5G will be big business for telecom operators” on The Frontline, September 2014.
  • “Tactile Internet – 5G mobile networks will support an internet that’s so good you can feel it” on The Conversation, September 2014.
  • “Why entrepreneurship in universities” on Fresh Business Thinking, September 2014.
  • “The Smart City Business” on La Vanguardia, September 2014.
  • “Cause of crash of MH17” on Sky News, RTTC, Al Jazeera, July 2014.
  • “The Internet of Things” on BBC Radio 5, 29 June 2014.
  • “Smart Cities – Ask the Expert” on The IEEE Institute, June 2014.
  • “Can a city ever be traffic jam-free?” on BBC Future, June 2014.
  • “6 ways to avoid losing a plane” on BBC FutureEl Periodico Ecuador, May 2014.
  • “Satellite data of MH370 – mystery?” on Sky News, May 2014.
  • Role of communications in disappearance of MH370” on BBC News, Sky News, Al Jazeera, BBC Radio 5, LBC Radio, etc; throughout 2014.
  • Prime Minister at CeBIT: UK and Germany can lead technological revolution” on No 10 Government Website, March 2014.
  • “Smart Cities – The Untold Story” on TEDxLondon City 2.0, December 2013.
  • Smart Cities” on 30 January 2012, Barcelona, Spain: Catalunya Radio.
  • After/On Telefonica 2021 Networking Summit presentation “10 Times Beyond LTE-A – Business Case, Technologies, Challenges” on 15 December 2011, Madrid, Spain: e.g. El Pais, [more].
  • Making Smart Cities Happen,” Wall Street Journal, September 2011 [reporting on Worldsensing].
  • Privacy in the IoT,” BBC, September 2011.
  • Talking Shop – Machine-to-Machine Communications,” Wall Street Journal, June 2011 [reporting on Worldsensing].
  • “Docitive Networks – The Next Femto Evolution” on 1 February 2011, Communications Technology.
  • After/On XALOC project dedicated to “Smart Parking in Smart Cities” around June/July 2010: El Mundo, La Vanguardia, El Periodico, AVUI Newspaper, TV3, BTV, [more].

6. Keynotes

  • Spectrum Challenges in the 5G and 6G Era,” IEEE DySPAN 2024, SWIFT, Washington DC, 13 May 2024 + Spectrum Tutorial with NTIA & FCC.
  • “On the way to 6G,” Princeton NextG Symposium 2024, Plenary Keynote delivered on behalf of Mathias Riback, Princeton, 1 May 2024.
  • “Building Regional Networks of Tomorrow: Challenges and Opportunities in 5G Deployments,” CCA 2024, C-level regional carrier event, Palm Springs, 18 April 2024.
  • “Cutting The Cord: Lifesaving Telesurgery In The Age Of 5G,” ISE 2024, medical surgery conference, San Diego, 14 March 2024.
  • “Supercharge Telco with <AAA>,” Infocomm 2024, Athens, Greece, 14 December 2023.
  • “Outside-In 2030,” Plug-n-Play Innovation Conference, Silicon Valley, 7 September 2024.
  • “5G, 6G and XR: The Future of the Medical Metaverse,” SRS 2023, medical robotic surgery conference, Australia, July 2023.
  • “Charting the Course for 6G: Policy, Technology, and the Future of Wireless Communications,” Princeton NextG Symposium, opening Plenary Keynote, 8 March 2023.
  • “5G/6G, XR and the Metaverse – A Silicon Valley View,” OFC 2023, Executive Forum, Plenary Keynote, San Diego, 6 March 2023.
  • “6G, XR and the Metaverse – A Silicon Valley View,” Baltimore ACM Chapter – Invited Talk, 13 February 2023.
  • “5G, XR and the Metaverse – A Silicon Valley View,” Plenary Keynote, IEEE Smart World, 15 December 2022.
  • “Now Is A Perfect Time To Talk 6G!,” Optica, 7 December 2022.
  • “Now Is A Perfect Time To Talk 6G!,” Plenary Keynote, Toward 6G workshop, 30 November 2022.
  • “Digital Divide & Equitable Education,” lunch-time keynote, Verge Climate Action, 25 October 2022.
  • “Emerging Technologies Shaping Our Future,” MWC 2022, Las Vegas, USA, 29 September 2022.
  • “6G and the metaverse will power a holographic society”, ITU, ITU Emerging Tech Journal Webinar, 11 May 2022.
  • “The (exciting) journey towards 6G,” IWPC 6G Workshop, Silicon Valley, USA, 24 August 2022.
  • “An Innovation Journey Into A 6G Future: Challenges and Opportunities,” Australian Beyond 5G Connectivity Summit, 23 August 2022.
  • “An Innovation Journey Into A 6G Future: Six Holistic Challenges To Solve Today,” Plenary Keynote, 6G Net Conference, Paris, France, 6 July 2022.
  • “Will Improved Connectivity Make Telesurgery a Reality,” SRS 2022, Robotic Surgery Society, 2 July 2022.
  • “Now Is A Perfect Time To Talk 6G!,” Plenary Keynote, IEEE NextG, Washington, USA, 14 June 2022; [recording].
  • “Please, solve these 6G Challenges!,” Stanford Information Theory seminar series, 8 June 2022.
  • “Spectrum Innovation Leadership in the 6G Era – A Silicon Valley View,” Deutsche Telekom Spectrum Workshop, 16 May 2022.
  • “Self-Synthesizing Networks & Sophisticated Metaverses: Will we trigger an AI Singularity in the 6G Era?,” Plenary Keynote, Reinforce AI conference, 8 March 2022.
  • “A Silicon Valley View on the Future of Industrial IoT,” Industrial IoT Alliance, 8 March 2022.
  • “6G and the Internet of Skills,” OFC 2022, San Diego, 7 March 2022.
  • “An innovation journey into a 6G future: from the Internet of Things to the Internet of Skills,” Rutgers Winlab Research Review opening keynote, 9 December 2021.
  • “6G Self-Synthesising Networks For An Immersive World,” IEEE Meditcom 2021, Athens, Greece, 9 September 2021; [slides].
  • “6G and the Internet of Skills,” UNet 2021, 20 May 2021.
  • “Virtual Reality is Dead – The Future is 6G Synchronised Reality,” Unlimited Realities, May 2021.
  • “The Immersive World of 6G,” IRICT2020, December 2020.
  • “Smart Cities in the Era of 6G,” EAI 2020, December 2020.
  • “5G and The Internet of Skills In Action,” CICT 2020, 3 December 2020.
  • “Digital Technologies for Social Inclusion,” eCLAC 2022, Latam’s most important digital policy conference, 24 November 2020.
  • “The Power of Artificial Intelligence,” Forensic Psychiatry, Liverpool, UK, 4 March 2020.
  • “5G in Action,” Vodafone Business Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, 19 February 2020.
  • “5G: Has the UK Plc grasped the opportunity?,” IET Christmas Lecture, 13 December 2019.
  • “5G and the Internet of Skills in Action,” Plenary Keynote, IEEE IPCCC 2019, 29 October 2019.
  • “5G In Action For Automotive,” Karma Automotive, 11 September 2019.
  • Internet of Skills — Where 5G, Robotics and AI Meet,” Plenary Keynote (>3,000 people), IEEE ICASSP 2019, Brighton, UK, 15 May 2019.
  • “Will 5G Be The Last G?,” Wireless Days, May 2019.
  • The Making of 5G,” Keynote, ETSI & OAI, Nice, France, 12 December 2018.
  • The Making of 5G and the Internet of Skills,” Plenary Keynote, Indian Mobile Congress (IMC) 2018, New Delhi, India, 27 October 2018.
  • “The Internet of Skills: Building the next-generation Internet,” EU Business School, Barcelona, 15 September 2018.
  • “The Making of 5G,” Plenary Keynote, IEEE PIMRC 2018, Bologna, Italy, 10 September 2018.
  • The Making of 5G,” CDOT Anniversary, New Delhi, India, 28 August 2018.
  • The Internet of Skills: Building the next “Leonardos,” CreativationTalks 2018, Girona, Catalonia, 10 July 2018.
  • The Internet of Skills: How 5G Synchronized Reality Is Transforming Robotic Surgery,” SRS 2018, Annual Conference of the Society of Robotic Surgery, Stockholm, Sweden, 20 June 2018.
  • Explainable Artificial Intelligence,” H-Farm AI Maze Event, Italy, 15 May 2018.
  • The Future of Skills,” Ministerial Conference on the Information Society, Cartagena, Colombia, 19 April 2018.
  • The Making of 5G,” 2nd Nordic Conference on ICT, Norway, 11 April 2018.
  • “5G, the Internet of Skills and other , massive opportunities for the Compound Semiconductor Industry,” CoInnovate2018, Cardiff, Wales 24 January 2018.
  • “Internet of Skills: Time To Disrupt Cellular,” Keynote, IET ISP 2017, 5 December 2017, London, UK.
  • “Internet of Skills: Time To Disrupt Cellular,” Keynote, NOF 2017, 22 November 2017, London, UK.
  • “5G – Are You Ready?,” Ericsson Innovation Days, 17 November 2017, New Delhi, India.
  • “Internet of Skills: 5G & Industrial Co-Creation,” Ericsson Innovation Days, 16 November 2017, Krakow, Poland.
  • “Future of Cities – without the hype & myth,” Evening Keynote, MasterCard, 9 November 2017, Vienna, Austria.
  • “Internet of Skills Democratizing Labor and Empowering Humans,” Plenary Keynote, Coleman Institute, 2 November 2017, Colorado, US.
  • “Internet of Skills From Industry 4.0 To Human 4.0,” Keynote at Bosch 2017 Innovation event, 25 September 2017, Stuttgart, Germany.
  • 5G and the Internet of Skills,” Keynote, IET Future Fest, 17 October 2017, London, UK.
  • “Transforming Industries with 5G,” Panel Plenary Keynote, 1st Indian Mobile Congress, 28 September 2017, New Delhi, Indai.
  • “Internet of Skills – Enabled by Spectrum-Aware Decoupled Up and Downlinks,” Plenary Keynote, Crowncom 2017, 20 September 2017, Lisbon, Portugal.
  • “Internet of Skills – Where Communications, Robotics and AI Meet,” Plenary Keynote, 7th International Spectrum Congress 2017, 5 September 2017, Bogota, Colombia.
  • Internet of Skills – Where Communications, Robotics and AI Meet,” Plenary Keynote (4,000 people), OFC 2017, 21 March 2017, Los Angeles, USA.
  • “Internet of Skills – Where 5G, Robotics and AI Meet,” Plenary Keynote, NCC 2017, 3 March 2017, Chennai, India.
  • “Future of Wireless Trends & Policy Recommendations,” Keynote at Cambridge Policy Workshop, 1 February 2017, Cambridge, UK.
  • “Internet of Skills – Where 5G IoT Communications, Robotics and AI Meet,” Keynote at IET 5G event, 25 January 2017, London, UK.
  • “Internet of Skills – Where 5G IoT Communications, Robotics and AI Meet,” Plenary Keynote at IEEE CloudCom 2016, 13 December 2016, Luxembourg.
  • “Internet of Skills – Where 5G IoT Communications, Robotics and AI Meet,” Intel Research Conference, 12 October, Dublin, Ireland.
  • “The Future of Bandwidth,Towards an Internet of Things & Internet of Skills,” Berenberg CTO Conference, 5 October 2016, London, UK.
  • “Internet of Skills The Era of 5G, Tactile Internet, Robotics and AI has come,” IEEE 5G Dresden Summit, 29 September 2016, Dresden, Germany.
  • “Narrow Band IoT… without the hot air,” Deutsche Telekom NB-IoT Kick-Off, Hub:Raum, 5 September 2016, Berlin, Germany.
  • “5G … What if?,” IEEE 5G Initiative KickOff Workshop, 29 August, 2016, Princeton, USA.
  • “An Internet of Skills, where Robotics meets AI, 5G and the Tactile Internet,” Plenary Keynote at IEEE ICUFN 2016, 6 July 2016, Vienna, Austria.
  • Host of the Night Speech on 5G,” Awards Event, 5G Global Summit, 29 June 2016, London, UK.
  • “Smart Cities – without the hot air,” Cambridge Wireless Conference, 21 June 2016, London, UK.
  • “The Future of Tech,” Plenary Keynote at IFCLA 2016, 10 June 2016, London, UK [blog].
  • “An Internet of Skills, where Robotics meets AI and the Tactile Internet,” Plenary Keynote at IEEE ICC 2016, 26 May 2016, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, [PDF].
  • “5G Vertical Industry Requirements,” IEEE ICC 2016, Workshop 5G Arch, 23 May 2016, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  • “The 21st Century’s Changing Innovation Cycles,” Webit Festival 2016, 19 April 2016, Sofia, Bulgaria.
  • “Smart Cities without the hot air,” IoT Tech Expo London, 10 Feb 2016, London, UK.
  • “Internet of Things The Untold Story,” M2M Symposium, Telia Sonera, 19 November 2015, Stockholm, Sweden.
  • “Disruptive Tech – Is 5G The Next Frontier?” Plenary Keynote, IEEE 5G Summit, 16 November 2015, Google, Silicon Valley, US.
  • “The Tactile Internet – Transforming the Planet’s Energy Budget,” Plenary Keynote, IEEE GreenComm, 11 November 2015, online.
  • “IoT Innovation & Entrepreneurship out of a 21st Century University,” Plenary Keynote, IOT360, 27 October 2015, Rome, Italy.
  • “The Tactile Internet – IoT, 5G and Cloud on Steroids,” Plenary Keynote, ICUMT 2015, 6 October 2015, Brno, Czech Republic.
  • “Connecting your IoT – The Untold Story,” The Tech Expo, 5 October 2015, London, UK.
  • “Postcards from the Future,” Retail Week Tech and Ecomm, 15 September 2015, London UK.
  • “Research, Innovation & Entrepreneurship in a 21st Century Ecosystem,” Plenary Keynote, Latvian National Innovation Conference in front of Latvian President, 10 September 2015, Latvia.
  • “The Tactile Internet – IoT, 5G and Cloud on Steroids,” Plenary Keynote, NGMAST 2015, 9 September 2015, Cambridge, UK.
  • “The Tactile Internet – IoT, 5G and Cloud on Steroids,” Plenary Keynote, SBrT 2015, 3 September 2015, Brazil.
  • “Research, Innovation & Entrepreneurship in a 21st Century University,” SBrT 2015, 3 September 2015, Brazil.
  • “Disruptive Tech – The Next Frontier,” Plenary Keynote, IEEE PIMRC 2015, 1 September 2015, Hong Kong.
  • “Internet of Things, 5G and Big Data – Procuring in the 21st Century,” Procurements Innovation Event, 10 July 2015, Dublin, Ireland.
  • “Smart Cities – The Untold Story,” Bristol Smart City event, 7 July 2015, Bristol, UK.
  • “The Tactile Internet – IoT, 5G and Cloud on Steroids,” FiWiN5G Vision of 5G Workshop @ UCL, 30 June 2015, London, UK.
  • “Key to a Connected Lifestyle,” Ericsson Innovation Day, 23 June 2015, Aachen, Germany.
  • “Disruptive Technology – The Next Frontier,” Doctor Honoris Causa Keynote, INSA Lyon, 18 June 2015, Lyon, France.
  • “Green 5G Tactile Internet – Academic Myth or Industrial Necessity,” Green 5G Workshop at IEEE ICC 2015, 12 June 2015, London, UK.
  • “What if? Some Disruptive Design Approaches for Cellular,” 5G Architecture Workshop at IEEE ICC 2015, 8 June 2015, London, UK (together with Dr Toktam Mahmoodi).
  • “Smart City Transition from Concepts to Reality,” 21st GCC Smart Government and Smart Services Conference, 18 May 2015, Dubai, UAE.
  • “Smart Cities, IoT and Big Data – The Untold Story,” ICTRF 2015, 17 May 2015, Abu Dhabi, UAE.
  • What if? Some Disruptive Design Approaches for Cellular,” Johannesberg Summit 2015, 11 May 2015, Stockholm, Sweden.
  • “The Tactile Internet – IoT, 5G and Cloud on Steroids,” SIECPC 2015, 27 April 2015, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
  • “London: The Connected City,” Joining the Dots – the Infrastructure for London Tech Event, Tech London Advocates, London, UK, 17 April 2015.
  • “Unleashing Innovation in Academia,” Innovation Leader Conference, 16 April 2015, Cambridge, UK.”
  • “5G Research and Innovation at King’s,” ITRI Taiwan Government event, 23 March 2015, Taipei, Taiwan.
  • “The Tactile Internet – IoT, 5G and Cloud on Steroids,” IET 5G Radio Technology Seminar, 17 March 2015, London, UK.
  • “The 5G Tactile Internet – hear it, see it and now touch it!” Ericsson Leadership Event, 24 February 2015, Windsor, UK.
  • “Research, Innovation & Entrepreneurship in a 21st Century University,” National Innovation Congress, 19 February 2015, Makkah, Saudi Arabia.
  • “IoT, Big Data & Smart Cities – The Untold Story,” Smart City & IoT Workshop, 18 February 2015, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
  • IoT, Big Data & Smart Cities – The Untold Story,” SENSORNETS 2015, 11 February 2015, Angers, France.
  • “Will 5G Power the IoT?” NSysS 2015, 7 January 2015, Bangladesh.
  • Smart Cities, Tactile Internet, 5G and Entrepreneurship – some digital policy thoughts,” Digitising Europe, speaking along Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany, December 2014, Berlin, Germany.
  • “Research, Innovation & Entrepreneurship in a 21st Century University,” Government National Innovation Congress, 25 November 2014, Taipei, Taiwan.
  • “Data Quality – What’s Next?” Experian General Technical Meeting, 20 November 2014, London, UK.
  • “IoT, Big Data & Smart Cities – The Untold Story,” WORKTECH 2014, 19 November 2014, London, UK.
  • Innovation in 5G – Rethinking Cellular” Digital Catapult 5G Event, 14 November 2014, London, UK.
  • Big Data – What’s Next?” Big Data Analytics Conference, 13 November 2014, London, UK.
  • “IoT, M2M & Smart Cities – The Untold Story,” M2M Forum Europe, 11 November 2014, London, UK.
  • “The Dawn of Connected Machines in 5G Networks,” IET 5G Conference, 30 October 2014, Birmingham, UK.
  • “IoT, Big Data & Smart Cities – The Untold Story,” Urban-IoT, 28 October 2014, Rome, Italy.
  • “50 Billion M2M Devices in 5G?,” BodyNets, 30 September 2014, London, UK.
  • “50 Billion M2M Devices in 5G?,” IEEE WPMC, 8 September 2014, Sydney, Australia.
  • The Dawn of Connected Machines,” SAI Conference, 28 August 2014, London, UK.
  • “Big Data – overcoming the challenges,” Bird & Bird’s IT Breakfast Briefing Keynote, 10 July 2014, London, UK.
  • “Machine-to-Machine and Big Data in Smart Cities – Vision, Technologies and Applications,” Future of SIT Conference, 26 June 2014, Salford, UK.
  • “The path to excellence – reflections on personal career,” REF 2020 – Achieving Excellence, 14 May 2014, Coventry, UK.
  • “Challenges and visions of how to get M2M into 5G,” weM2M Workshop, 25 April 2014, London, UK
  • “Smart Cities – Technologies, Big Data & Privacy,” URSI, 26 March 2014, Paris, France.
  • “M2M in Smart Cities – Technologies & Vision,” Plenary Keynote IEEE WiMob 2013, 9 October 2013, Lyon, France.
  • “M2M in Smart Cities -Technologies & Vision,” MONAMI 2013, 24 September 2013, Cork, Ireland.
  • “Internet of Things,Technologies & Predictions,” Internet of Things PhD School, 16 Sept 2013, Lerice/Pisa, Italy.
  • “Designing Smart Cities – Challenges & Opportunities,” Design Council Keynote, 7 September 2013, London, UK.
  • “Machine-to-Machine in Smart Cities & Smart Grids:,Vision, Technologies & Applications,” WiFlex, September 2013, Kaliningrad, Russia.
  • “Smart Cities – Technologies, Big Data and Citizens,” Plenary Keynote IEEE WoWMoM, 7 June 2013, Madrid, Spain.
  • “Implementations & Lessons learned from Smart Cities Moscow & Barcelona,” ETSI Smart City Workshop, 3-4 June 2013, Sophia Antipolis, France.
  • “Machine-to-Machine in Smart Cities & Smart Grids – Vision, Technologies & Applications,” SWICOM, 22 May 2013, Luton, UK.
  • “Machine-to-Machine in Smart Cities & Smart Grids – Vision, Technologies & Applications,” ITU Workshop on M2M, 21 May 2013, Geneva, Switzerland.
  • “M2M & Big Data: Will the Wireless Industry miss out again?,” Johannesberg Summit, May 2013, Stockholm, Sweden.
  • “Machine-to-Machine & Sensor Technologies in Smart Cities – Vision, Standards and Applications,” Future Internet Alliance (FIA), 7 May 2013, Dublin, Ireland.
  • “Siliconification of Urban Environments – The Price for Smart Cities,” Urban Prototyping London 2013, April 2013, Imperial College, London, UK.
  • “Smart Cities – Technologies, Big Data and Citizens,” Plenary Keynote IEEE ICICS 2013, 8 March 2013, Vancouver, Canada.
  • “Sensors and Machine-to-Machine Technologies for Smarter Cities,” Sensornets 2013, February 2013, Barcelona, Spain.
  • “Machine-to-Machine in Smart Cities – Shift of Industries,” IEEE Globecom 2012, IWM2M, 7 December 2012, Anaheim, USA.
  • “10 Times Beyond LTE-A – Business Case, Technologies, Challenges for Emerging 5G Networks,” IFIP Wireless Days, 22 November 2012, Dublin, Ireland.
  • “Machine-to-Machine Facilitating the IoT for Smart Homes: Vision, Standards and Technologies,” Home Networking Summit, Austin, Texas, USA, 12 November 2012.
  • 10 Times Beyond LTE-A – Business Case, Technologies, Challenges,” Telefonica 2021 Networking Summit, 15 December 2011, Madrid, Spain.
  • “Cellular & Capillary Machine-to-Machine Networks: Industrial Cross-Layer Designs,” IEEE IWCLD, 30 Nov.-1 Dec. 2011, Rennes, France.
  • “Smart Cities – Technologies, Drivers and Major Challenges,” Plenary Keynote IEEE MASS, 17-22 October 2011, Valencia, Spain.
  • Why ad hoc networking has been the wrong way,” Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks (ADHOC 2011), 10-11 May 2011, Johannesberg Castle, Stockholm.
  • “Docitive Networks – A Step Beyond Cognition,” ISABEL 2009, November 2009, Bratislava, Slovakia.
  • “Docitive Radios – Centroid of Cognition and Cooperation,” WWRF23, October 2009, Beijing, China.
  • “Standards & Alliances – Wireless Sensor Networks,” WCO Concertation Day, October 2009, Brussels, European Commission.
  • “Researching Research: Are we going the right way?,” UBICOMM 2008, Valencia, Spain.
  • “Machines Learn To Cooperate,” International Workshop on Wireless Distributed Networks, part of IEEE PIMRC 2008, Cannes, France.
  • “Large-Scale Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks – Challenges & Opportunities,” International Conference on WSNs, November 2006, Paris, France.
  • “UWB – An Operator’s View,” IEE UWB Conference, April 2006, London, UK.

7. Panels

  • “Making Sense of the Metaverse,” Nimbus, London, UK, 12 December 2022.
  • “Metaverse: Work or Play?,” Microsoft Research Days, 19 October 2022.
  • “Renaissance 2.0 – Does Tech Have A Bigger Purpose?,” Fireside Chat with Microsoft Deputy CTO Lila Tretikov, Imagine Possible, Santa Clara, 18 October 2022; [recording].
  • “5G, 6G and the Metaverse,” CoInnovateCS Connectivity panel, Monterey, USA, 12 May 2022.
  • “No More Gs?,” IEEE ComSoc, 13 April 2022.
  • “6G Innovation Roadmap,” 5GUK Consortium Event, InnovateUK, 23 March 2022.
  • “Bridging the Digital Divide, and the Future of WorkUS & Silicon Valley View,” OFC 2022, San Diego, USA, 7 March 2022.
  • “An innovation journey into a 6G future,” ECO6G, Barcelona, Spain, 10 February 2022.
  • “International Innovation Centre for Future Wireless (6G),” US National Academy of Engineering, 24 June 2021.
  • “5G-Enabled: Where next for UK telecoms?,” SCI Summit, chaired by Dr Mike Short, 19 May 2021.
  • “6G Opportunities and Challenges,” 6G World, 4 May 2021, online event.
  • “5G Innovation Hub Launch,” Wired Panel, 19 June 2019, Salford / Manchester, UK.
  • “Internet of Skills – Future of Work?” Digitec EC Parliamentary Event, 29 November 2016, Brussels, Belgium.
  • “Smart Cities, 5G and the IoT,” Total Telecom Congress 2016, 5 October 2016, London, UK
  • “Internet of Things/IoT & 5G,” Policy UK IoT Forum, 22 September 2016, London, UK.
  • “5G Industry Verticals,” IEEE ICC 2016, 25 May 2016, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  • “Backhaul and Fronthaul Tradeoffs in 5G,” IEEE ICC 2016, Workshop, 23 May 2016, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  • “What should 5G look like: standards, spectrum and rollout,” Westminster eForum Keynote Seminar on The future of mobile: networks, devices and 5G, 16 July 2015, London, UK
  • “Big Data,” Wragge-Law panel, 7 July 2015, London, UK.
  • “The road to 5G: the next biggest step in mobile connectivity?” Connected Britain, 16 June 2015, London, UK.
  • “Opening the data highway to a Digital Single Market,” InnovateUK Brussels, 15 June 2015, Brussels, Belgium.
  • “Future Technology Network 5G Panel,” IEEE ICC 2015, 9 June 2015, London, UK.
  • “5G Architecture Panel,” IEEE ICC 2015, 9 June 2015, London, UK.
  • “Information is Power – How Data is Changing the Built Environment,” L39 CogniCity Fire-Chat Panel, 14 May 2015, London, UK.
  • Panel Chair of “Applications and Drivers,” Johannesberg Summit 2015, 11 May 2015, Stockholm, Sweden.
  • 5G Spectrum Panel at Ofcom, 12 March 2015, London, UK.
  • TrueStart R:evolution 2.0 panel, 5 March 2015, London, UK.
  • “5G Requirements,” Mobile World Congress 2015, GSMA Session, 4 March 2015, Barcelona, Spain.
  • “Industrial IoT – Why did it take so long?” Mobile World Congress 2015, CDEC Session, 3 March 2015, Barcelona, Spain.
  • IoT & Smart Cities panel, Sensornets 2015, 11 February 2015, Angers, France.
  • “Exploiting Big Data in Support of Non-Proliferation,” The International Centre for Security Analysis, 26-27 January 2015, Vienna, Austria.
  • “Will 5G Power the IoT?” IEEE Globecom Industry Workshop, December 2014, Austin, US.
  • “Futures Rountable” at the World Humanitarian Summit, 12-13 November 2014, London, UK.
  • Panel Chair of IoT Panel at The Web Summit, 4000 attendees, November 2014, Dublin, Ireland.
  • IoT panel at IOT360 with Usman Haque, 29 October 2014, Rome, Italy.
  • “Modelling a Future World City,” InnovateUK 2014, Innovation Conference, 23 October 2014, London, UK.
  • “Future of UK’s Digital Infrastructure & Innovation,” Round-Table at House of Commons, 20 October 2014, London, UK.
  • Round-Table with British Ambassador to Germany in Berlin on “Foresight Europe 2030”,  6 October 2014, Berlin, Germany.
  • “5G Services in Action,” 5G Huddle, WWRF, 22 September 2014, London, UK.
  • “Your Life in Your Hands: Living our Lives through our Mobile Phones,” Ipsos MORI & KCL Panel, together with Ben Page (Chief Exec of Ipsos MORI) and Ben Hammersley (Editor at Large of Wired), 24 June 2014, London, UK.
  • City Hall event on Smart Cities, panel after Mayor Boris Johnson’s keynote, 24 June 2014, London, UK.
  • “5G challenges and what must the UK do to overcome them?” Royal Academy of Engineering, 5G stakeholders’ meeting, 19 June 2014, London, UK.
  • IoT Breakfast Event, Telefonica, 17 June 2014, London, UK.
  • “The Snowden Revelations – One Year On,” Round-Table at the Chatham House, 12 June 2014, London, UK.
  • Internet of Things  Ecosystem Event, NESTA, 3 June 2014, London, UK.
  • Panel Organizer and Moderator, “Is there a future in M2M?” Johanesberg Summit, May 2014, Sweden.
  • Panel Organizer and Moderator, “How to scale M2M connectivity provisioning?” IEEE WCNC 2014, April 2014, Istanbul, Turkey.
  • “5G- Rethinking Wireless Infrastructure,” IWPC Industry Workshop, April 2014, Oxford, UK.
  • “Financing the Internet of Things,” Internet of Things EU Summit, 3 March 2014, Brussels, Belgium.
  • “Machine-to-Machine Technologies in 5G,” M2M/IoT conference, February 2014, Oxford, UK.
  • “Sustainable Technologies,” Sustainability Panel at King’s College London, February 2014, London, UK.
  • “Designing Smart Cities in 2013,” Re.Work Cities, 13 December 2013, London, UK.
  • “M2M Trends – Should we believe the forecast?” BEREC M2M Workshop, 19 November 2013, Brussels, Belgium.
  • “Emerging ICT Technologies,” IEEE WoWMoM, 7 June 2013, Madrid, Spain.
  • “Smart Cities – Shift of Technologies,” Smart Cities Workshop, 3 June 2013, Sophia Antipolis, France.
  • Future Internet Technologies,” Future Internet Assembly, 6 May 2013, Dublin, Ireland.
  • From Static to Dynamic” Urban Prototyping London 2013, April 2013, Imperial College, London, UK.
  • Wireless Sensor Networks – Unexpected Shift of Industries” Sensornets 2013, February 2013, Barcelona, Spain.
  • Future of M2M Technologies” IEEE Globecom 2012, IWM2M, 7 December 2012, Anaheim, USA.
  • Home Networking Technologies” Home Networking Summit, Austin, Texas, USA, 12 November 2012.
  • Panel Organizer and Moderator in “Green Wireless Networking – Ecological Bubble or Financial Drive?” IEEE CAMAD 2012, September 2012, Barcelona, Spain.
  • Disruptive Technologies – 1Gbps/km2 BuNGee Architecture,” LTE World Summit 2012, May 2012, Barcelona, Spain.
  • Pervasive Computing: Is the Devil in the Details?,” IEEE PerCom 2012 (NSF Panel), March 2012, Lugano, Switzerland.
  • Panel Moderator in “Green Communications and the Smart Grid,” IEEE CTW 2011, June 2011, Sitges/Barcelona, Spain.
  • Panel Organizer and Moderator in “A Glimpse of the Future of Wireless Communications,” IEEE Globecom 2010, December 2010, Miami, US.
  • The Impact Of Communication Theory On Technology Development: Is The Best Behind Us, Or Ahead?,” IEEE CTW 2011, Cancun, Mexico, May 2010.
  • “IP and Wavenis: Utopia or Reality?,” Orange M2M Wavenis, Paris, France, May 2009.
  • Panel Organizer and Panelist in “The PHY Layer is Dead,” IEEE VTC-Spring 2009, Barcelona, Spain.
  • “Cognitive Networking,” WPMC 2008, Lapland, Finland.
  • Panel Organizer of “Wireless Sensor Networks – Ripe or Hype? An Industrial View,” IEEE ICC 2008, Beijing, China.
  • “Cooperative Strategies for Future Wireless Communication Systems,” IEEE PIMRC 2006, Helsinki, Finland.

Citation h-Index: 74 (Google Scholar)

Stanford/Elsevier Study: I am a Top-1% Cited Scientist across all science fields globally.

8. Books

9. Book Chapters

  • TC Camelo Mourao, S Saikali, Mischa Dohler, V Patel, MC Moschovas, “Telesurgery: applications, current status, and future perspectives,” in “Handbook of Robotic Surgery,” Springer 2023/2024.
  • T. Maksymyuk, et al., Mischa Dohler, “Metaverse of Things in 6G Era: An Emerging Fusion of IoT, XR, Edge AI and Blockchain Technologies“, in “Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering,” Spinger, 2023.
  • T. Maksymyuk, et al., Mischa Dohler, “AI-Enabled Blockchain Framework for Dynamic Spectrum Management in Multi-operator 6G Networks”, in “Future Intent-Based Networking,” Spinger, 2022.
  • V. Friderikos, Mischa Dohler, et al, “Granular VNF Microservices: Advanced Service Decomposition and the Role of Machine Learning Techniques,” in “Handbook of Research on Future Internet Design,” IGI Global, 2021.
  • Mischa Dohler, “The Internet of Skills: How 5G Synchronized Reality is Transforming Robotic Surgery,” in “Robotic Surgery, 2nd edition,” Springer, 2020.
  • Mischa Dohler, “5G Networks, Haptic Codecs, and The Operating Theater,” in “Digital Surgery,” Springer, 2020.
  • A. Aijaz, M. Simsek, Mischa Dohler, and G. Fettweis, “5G radio access for the Tactile Internet,” in “5G Mobile Communications”, Springer, 2016.
  • J. Alonso, Mischa Dohler, et al, “M2M Communications in 5G,” in “5G Mobile Communications”, Springer, 2016.
  • A. Laya, L. Alonso, J. Alonso-Zarate, Mischa Dohler, “Green MTC, M2M, Internet of Things,” in K. Samdanis, P. Rost, A. Maeder, M. Meo and C. Verikoukis, “Green Communications: Principles, Concepts and Practice,” John Wiley & Sons, 2015.
  • Mischa Dohler, et al., “Smart Buildings in Action: Real-Time Structural Monitoring of Barcelona’s Olympic Venue Palau Sant Jordi,” in I.Borthwick, “IET Sector Technical Briefing: Digital Technology Adoption in the Smart Built Environment,” April 2015.
  • Mischa Dohler, Y. Gao, “Spectrum to unleash Machine-to-Machine uptake,” in O. Holland et al., “Opportunistic Spectrum Sharing,” John Wiley & Sons, 2015.
  • V. Friderikos, G. Chochlidakis, H. Aghvami, Mischa Dohler, “Challenges of 5G Networking in Access & Core Networks,” in C. Jacquenet, M. Boucadair, “Redesigning the Future of Internet Architectures,” IGI Global, 2015.
  • I. Vilajosana, Mischa Dohler, “Machine-to-machine (M2M) communications for smart cities,” in C. Anton, Mischa Dohler (editors), “Machine-to-Machine (M2M) Communications – Architecture, Performance and Applications,” Elsevier, February 2015.
  • A. Bartoli, Mischa Dohler, A. Kountouris and D. Barthel, “Physical (PHY) and access layer security in machine-to-machine (M2M) communications,” in C. Anton, Mischa Dohler (editors), “Machine-to-Machine (M2M) Communications – Architecture, Performance and Applications,” Elsevier, February 2015.
  • P. Bhat, Mischa Dohler, “Overview of 3GPP machine-type communication (MTC) standardisation,” in C. Anton, Mischa Dohler (editors), “Machine-to-Machine (M2M) Communications – Architecture, Performance and Applications,” Elsevier, February 2015.
  • C. Anton, Mischa Dohler, “Introduction to Machine-to-Machine Technologies,” in C. Anton, Mischa Dohler (editors), “Machine-to-Machine (M2M) Communications – Architecture, Performance and Applications,” Elsevier, February 2015.
  • A. Bartoli, J. Hernandez-Serrano, M. Soriano, Mischa Dohler, A. Kountouris, D. Barthel, “Wireless Sensor Network Security: PHY Layer Security,” in “Handbook of  Sensor Networking: Advanced Technologies and Applications,” CRC Press (an imprint of Taylor & Francis Group, LLC), 2014.
  • Mischa Dohler, “Challenges of a Cyberphysically Connected World,” Foreword in M.H. Rehmani and Y. Faheem “Cognitive Radio Sensor Networks: Applications, Architectures, and Challenges ,” IGI Global Publisher, USA, 2014.
  • P. Medagliani, et al, Mischa Dohler, “Bringing IP to Low-power Smart Objects: The Smart Parking Case in the CALIPSO Project” in O. Vermesan, Friess (Ed.): “Internet of Things – From Research and Innovation to Market Deployment”. pp. 287-313, The River Publishers Series in Communications, Alborg, Denmark, 2014, ISBN: 9788793102941.
  • J. Alonso-Zarate, J. Matamoros, D. Gregoratti, Mischa Dohler, “Machine-to-machine communications in smart grid,” in E. Hossain, Z. Han, H.V. Poor (Edts), “Smart Grid Communications and Networking,” Cambridge University Press, 2012.
  • M.R. Palattella, A. Faridi, G. Boggia, P. Camarda, L.A. Grieco, Mischa Dohler, A. Lozano, “Performance Analysis of IEEE 802.15.4 MAC,” in C. Wang, T. Jiang, Q. Zhang (Edts), “ZigBee Network Protocols and Applications,” Auerbach Publications, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, June 2012.
  • T. Watteyne, Mischa Dohler, I. Augé-Blum, D. Barthel, “Beyond Localization: Communicating Using Virtual Coordinates” in G. Mao, B. Fidan (Edts), “Localization Algorithms and Strategies for Wireless Sensor Networks,” IGI-Global, Autumn 2009.
  • Mischa Dohler, D.-E. Meddour, S.-M. Senouci, H. Moustafa, “Cooperative Communication System Architectures for Cellular Networks” in M. Uysal (Edt) “Cooperative Communications for Improved Wireless Network Transmission: Frameworks for Virtual Antenna Array Applications,” IGI-Global, July 2009.
  • Mischa Dohler, “Fundamental Electromagnetic Theory” in B. Allen, Mischa Dohler, E. Okon, W. Malik, A. Brown, D. Edwards (Edts), “Ultra-Wideband: Antennas and Propagation for Communications, Radar and Imaging,” Wiley & Sons, October 2006.
  • Mischa Dohler, “Basic Antenna Elements” in B. Allen, Mischa Dohler, E. Okon, W. Malik, A. Brown, D. Edwards (Edts), “Ultra-Wideband: Antennas and Propagation for Communications, Radar and Imaging,” Wiley & Sons, October 2006.
  • Mischa Dohler, J. Liu, R.M. Buehrer, S. Venkatesh, B. Allen “Large- and Medium-Scale Propagation Modelling” in B. Allen, Mischa Dohler, E. Okon, W. Malik, A. Brown, D. Edwards (Edts), “Ultra-Wideband: Antennas and Propagation for Communications, Radar and Imaging,” Wiley & Sons, October 2006.
  • S. Venkatesh, R.M. Buehrer, J. Liu, Mischa Dohler, “Small-Scale Ultra-Wideband Propagation Modelling” in B. Allen, Mischa Dohler, E. Okon, W. Malik, A. Brown, D. Edwards (Edts), “Ultra-Wideband: Antennas and Propagation for Communications, Radar and Imaging,” Wiley & Sons, October 2006.
  • M. Nawrocki, Mischa Dohler, A.H. Aghvami, “Modern Approaches to Radio Network Modelling and Planning” in M. Nawrocki, Mischa Dohler, A.H. Aghvami (Edts), “Understanding UMTS Radio Network Modelling, Planning and Automated Optimisation in Theory and Practise,” Wiley & Sons, May 2006.
  • M. Nawrocki, Mischa Dohler, A.H. Aghvami, “Trends for the Near Future” in M. Nawrocki, Mischa Dohler, A.H. Aghvami (Edts), “Understanding UMTS Radio Network Modelling, Planning and Automated Optimisation in Theory and Practise,” Wiley & Sons, May 2006.
  • H.-F. Geerdes, A. Eisenblätter, P.M. Slobodzian, M. Iwamura, Mischa Dohler, R. Zdunek, P. Gold, M.J. Nawrocki, “Theoretical Models for UMTS Radio Networks” in M. Nawrocki, Mischa Dohler, A.H. Aghvami (Edts), “Understanding UMTS Radio Network Modelling, Planning and Automated Optimisation in Theory and Practise,” Wiley & Sons, May 2006.
  • Z. Neyman, Mischa Dohler, “Fundamentals of Practical Radio Access Network Design” in M. Nawrocki, Mischa Dohler, A.H. Aghvami (Edts), “Understanding UMTS Radio Network Modelling, Planning and Automated Optimisation in Theory and Practise,” Wiley & Sons, May 2006.
  • Mischa Dohler, A.H. Aghvami, “Distributed Antennas: The Concept of Virtual Antenna Arrays” in F.H.P. Fitzek, M.D. Katz (Edts) “Cooperation in Wireless Communication: Principles and Applications,” Springer Science, March 2006.
  • A. Burr, A. Czylwik, T.J. Willink, Mischa Dohler, A.H. Aghvami, “MIMO Systems” in L.M. Correia (Edt) “Mobile Broadband Multimedia Networks – Techniques, Models and Tools for 4G,” Elsevier Academic Press, May 2006.
  • Mischa Dohler, “Fundamentals of Array Signal Processing” in B. Allen, M. Ghavami, “Adaptive Array Sensors and Systems,” Wiley & Sons, February 2005.
  • Mischa Dohler, A. Gkelias, A.H. Aghvami, “Throughput of Distributed-MIMO Multi-Stage Communication Networks over Ergodic Channels”, book chapter in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Telecommunications and Networking, Springer Book Series, 2004.

10. Theses

11. Blogs & Podcasts

12. Journal Papers

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13. Conference Papers

Download from up-to-date IEEE Xplore or KCL publication databases.

  • H. Zhou, Y. Deng, L. Feltrin, A. Höglund and M. Dohler, “Novel Random Access Schemes for Small Data Transmission,” ICC 2022 – IEEE International Conference on Communications, 2022, pp. 1992-1997, doi: 10.1109/ICC45855.2022.9839227.
  • Z. Sun, W. Guo, M.R. Nakhai and Mischa Dohler, “Learning-based Content Caching in Collaborative Edge Networksm,”  2021 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference Workshops (WCNC 2021), 29 Mar – Apr 2021, Nanjing, China.
  • A. Carot, F. Sardis, Mischa Dohler, S. Saunders, N. Uniyal, R. Cornock, “Creation Of A Hyper-Realistic Remote Music Session With Professional Musicians And Public Audiences Using 5G Commodity Hardware,” ICME 2020 Workshop, July 2020, London.
  • Xun Liu, Mischa Dohler, “A Data-driven Approach to Vibrotactile Data Compression,” IEEE SiPS 2019, IEEE International Workshop on Signal Processing Systems, Nanjing, China, 20-23 Oct 2019.
  • X. Foukas, F. Sardis, F. Foster, M.K. Marina, M.A. Lema, Mischa Dohler, “Experience Building a Prototype 5G Testbed,” Conext 2018, in press.
  • C.E. Ngubo, Mischa Dohler, P. McBurney, “Blockchains, IoT and Sidechains,” IWBS 2018, July 2018, Lisbon, Portugal.
  • L. Feltrin, M. Condoluci, T. Mahmoodi, Mischa Dohler, R. Verdone, “NB-IoT: Performance Estimation and Optimal Configuration,” EW 2018, Catania, Italy.
  • G. Zheng, C.-Y. Wang, V. Friderikos, Mischa Dohler, “High Mobility Multi Modal E-Health Services,” IEEE ICC 2018, 20-24 May 2018 // Kansas City, MO, USA.
  • Mischa Dohler and A Hossaini, “Circular Knowledge Economy: Towards Sustainable Skills and Innovation,” GUNI Smart City, December 2017.
  • G. Mountaser, et al, Mischa Dohler, “Cloud-RAN in Support of URLLC,” IEEE Globecom 2017 Workshops: 4th Int. Workshop on Ultra-Reliable Low-Latency Communications in Wireless Networks, Singapore, December 2017.
  • S. Wong, Mischa Dohler, et al, “Virtualized Authentication, Authorization and Accounting (V-AAA) in 5G Networks,” IEEE Conference on Standards for Communications and Networking, 2017.
  • Mischa Dohler, T Mahmoodi, M Lema, M Condoluci, “Future of Mobile,” EuCNC 2017.
  • Mischa Dohler, et al, “Internet of Skills, Where Robotics Meets AI, 5G and the Tactile Internet,” EuCNC 2017.
  • X. Lu, M Lema, T Mahmoodi, Mischa Dohler, “Downlink Data Rate Analysis of 5G-U (5G on Unlicensed Band): Coexistence for 3GPP 5G and IEEE802.11ad WiGig,” European Wireless 2017.
  • M Lema, et al, Mischa Dohler, “5G Case Study of Internet of Skills: Slicing the Human Senses,” EuCNC 2017.
  • X Liu, Mischa Dohler, T Mahmoodi, H Liu, “Challenges and Opportunities for Designing Tactile Codecs from Audio Codecs,” EuCNC 2017.
  • B Han, et al, Mischa Dohler, “Security Trust Zone in 5G Networks,” ICT 2017.
  • J. Chen, S. Ping, J. Jia, Y. Deng, Mischa Dohler, A.H. Aghvami, “Cross-layer Optimization for Spectrum Aggregation-based Cognitive Radio Ad-Hoc Networks,” IEEE GLOBECOM 2016, 4-6 December 2016, Washington DC, USA.
  • H. Elshaer, M. Kulkarni, F. Boccardi, J. Andrews, Mischa Dohler, “Downlink and Uplink Cell Association in Sub-6GHz and Millimeter Wave 5G Heterogeneous Networks,” IEEE GLOBECOM 2016 Workshops, 4-6 December 2016, Washington DC, USA.
  • M. Lema, T. Mahmoodi, Mischa Dohler, “On the Performance Evaluation of Enabling Architectures for Uplink and Downlink Decoupled Networks,” IEEE GLOBECOM 2016 Workshops, 4-6 December 2016, Washington DC, USA.
  • Q. Zhang, et al, Mischa Dohler, “TV White Space Network Provisioning with Directional and Omni-directional Terminal Antennas,” IEEE VTC Fall 2016, Montreal, Canada.
  • C. Vlachos, et al, Mischa Dohler, “Bio-Inspired Resource Allocation for Relay-Aided Device-to-Device Communications,” IEEE VTC Fall 2016, Montreal, Canada.
  • H. Elshaer, C. Vlachos, V. Friderikos, Mischa Dohler”Interference-Aware Decoupled Cell Association in Device-to-Device based 5G Networks,” IEEE VTC Spring 2016, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  • O. Holland, Mischa Dohler, “Standardized Geolocation-Based System for Spectrum Sharing and Heterogeneous Access Management to Support 5G,” IEEE Conference on Standards for Communications and Networking (CSCN), 2015.
  • S. Dzulkifly, F. Said, Mischa Dohler, L. Giupponi, “Decentralized Q-Learning for Uplink Power Control,” IEEE CAMAD 2015, 7-9 September 2015, University of Surrey, Guildford, UK.
  • S. Redana, Mischa Dohler, et al., “5G NORMA: A NOvel Radio Multiservice adaptive network Architecture for 5G networks,” EuCNC 2015, 29 June 29 – 2 July 2015, Paris, France.
  • H. Elshaer, F. Boccardi, Mischa Dohler, R. Irmer, “Load & Backhaul Aware Decoupled Downlink/Uplink Access in 5G Systems,” IEEE ICC 2015, June 2015, London, UK.
  • E. Liotou, et al., Mischa Dohler, “Shaping QoE in the 5G Ecosystem,” QoMEX 2015, 26-29 May 2015, Costa Navarino, Greece.
  • [BEST PAPER] H. Elshaer, F. Boccardi, Mischa Dohler, R. Irmer, “Downlink and Uplink Decoupling: a Disruptive Architectural Design for 5G Networks,” IEEE Globecom 2014, December 2014, Austin, Texas, US.
  • Y. Li, et al., Mischa Dohler, “Distributed Data Aggregation in Machine-to-Machine Communication Networks Based on Coalitional Game,” IEEE WCNC 2014, April 2014, Istanbul, Turkey.
  • T. Predojev, J. Alonso-Zarate, Mischa Dohler, “Energy Evaluation of a Cooperative and Duty-Cycled ARQ Scheme for Machine-to-Machine Communications with Shadowed Links,” IEEE PIMRC, September 2013, London, UK.
  • P. Blasco, D. Gunduz, Mischa Dohler, “Low-Complexity Scheduling Policies for Energy Harvesting Communication Networks,” IEEE ISIT 2013, Istanbul, Turkey, July 2013.
  • S. Bayat, Y. Li, Z. Han, Mischa Dohler, B. Vucetic, “Distributed Massive Wireless Access for Cellular Machine-to-Machine Communication,” IEEE ICC 2014, 10-13 June 2014, Sydney, Australia.
  • K. Wang, J. Alonso-Zarate and Mischa Dohler, “Energy-Efficiency of LTE for Small Data Machine-to-Machine Communications,” IEEE ICC 2013, Budapest, Hungary, June 2013.
  • P. Blasco, M. Bennis and Mischa Dohler, “Backhaul-Aware Self-Organizing Operator-Shared Small-Cell Networks,” IEEE ICC 2013, Budapest, Hungary, June 2013.
  • N. Accettura, M.R. Palattella, G. Boggia, L.A. Grieco, Mischa Dohler, “DeTAS: a Decentralized Traffic Aware Scheduling technique enabling IoT-compliant Multi-hop Low-power and Lossy Networks,” GTTI2013, joint meeting GTTI/SIEm/CNIT, 24-26 June 2013, Ancona, Italy.
  • N. Accettura, M.R. Palattella, G. Boggia, L.A. Grieco, Mischa Dohler, “Decentralized Traffic Aware Scheduling for Multi-hop Low Power Lossy Networks in the Internet of Things,” IEEE WoWMoM Workshop on the Internet of Things: Smart Objects and Services, IoT-SoS 2013, Madrid, Spain, June 2013.
  • P. Blasco, D. Gunduz and Mischa Dohler, “A Learning Theoretic Approach to Energy Harvesting Communication System Optimization,” IEEE Globecom 2012, International Workshop on M2M, California, USA, Dec 2012.
  • A. Bartoli , J. Hernandez-Serrano, M. Soriano , Mischa Dohler , A. Kountouris, D. Barthel, “Optimizing Energy-Efficiency of PHY-Layer Authentication in Machine-to-Machine Networks,” IEEE Globecom 2012, International Workshop on M2M, California, USA, Dec 2012.
  • J. Matamoros, D. Gregoratti and Mischa Dohler, “Microgrids Energy Trading in Islanding Mode,” IEEE SmartGridComm 2012, Tainan City, Taiwan, Nov 2012.
  • A. Bartoli , J. Hernandez-Serrano, M. Soriano , Mischa Dohler , A. Kountouris, D. Barthel, “On the Ineffectiveness of Today’s Privacy Regulations for Secure Smart City Networks,” Smart Cities Congress 2012, Barcelona, Spain, Nov 2012.
  • M.R. Palattella, N. Accettura, Mischa Dohler, L.A. Grieco, G. Boggia, “Traffic-Aware Time-Critical Scheduling In Heavily Duty-Cycled IEEE 802.15.4e For An Industrial IoT,” IEEE Sensors 2012, October 2012, Taipei, Taiwan.
  • M.R. Palattella, N. Accettura, Mischa Dohler, L.A. Grieco, G. Boggia, “Traffic Aware Scheduling Algorithm for Multi-Hop IEEE 802.15.4e Networks,” IEEE PIMRC 2012, September 2012, Sydney, Australia.
  • T. Predojev, J. Alonso, Mischa Dohler, “Energy Analysis of Cooperative and Duty-Cycled Systems In Shadowed Environments,” IEEE CAMAD 2012, September 2012, Barcelona, Spain.
  • P. Blasco, Mischa Dohler, “The ETSI BRAN 1Gbps/km2 Cost-Efficient Cognitive Communications Architecture,” 3rd International Workshop on Cognitive Information Processing (CIP), Parador de Baiona, Spain, 28-30 May 2012.
  • T. Predojev, J. Alonso-Zarate, Mischa Dohler, “Energy Efficiency of Cooperative ARQ Strategies in Shadowing Environments,” IEEE Infocom 2012, Workshop on Communications and Control for Sustainable Energy Systems: Green Networking and Smart Grids, March 2012, Orlando, USA.
  • N. Accettura, M.R. Palattella, Mischa Dohler, L.A. Grieco, G. Boggia, “Standardized Power-Efficient & Internet-Enabled Communication Stack for Capillary M2M Networks,” IEEE WCNC 2012, Workshop on Internet of Things Enabling Technologies, April 2012, Paris, France.
  • A. Bartoli, J. Hernandez-Serrano, Mischa Dohler, A. Kountouris, D. Barthel, “Security and Privacy in your Smart City,” Barcelona Smart Cities Congress 2011, Barcelona, Spain, Nov-Dec 2011.
  • Mischa Dohler, I. Vilajosana, X. Vilajosana, J. LLosa, “Smart Cities: An Action Plan,” Barcelona Smart Cities Congress 2011, Barcelona, Spain, Nov-Dec 2011.
  • O. Marinchenco, N. Chayat, A. Burr, A. Papadogiannis, Mischa Dohler, M. Payaro, M. Ware, “BuNGee Project Overview,” IEEE Comcas 2011, Nov 2011, Tel Aviv, Israel.
  • S.A. Meybodi, J. Nielsen, J. Bendtsen, Mischa Dohler, “Magneto-Inductive Underground Communications in a District Heating System,” IEEE ICC 2011, conference CD-ROM, 5-9 June 2011, Koyoto, Japan.
  • A. Bartoli, J. Hernandez-Serrano, Mischa Dohler, A. Kountouris, D. Barthel, “Low-Power Low-Rate Goes Long-Range: The Case for Secure & Cooperative Machine-to-Machine Communications,” IEEE WCNS 2011, 13 May 2011, Valencia, Spain.
  • A. Galindo-Serrano, L. Giupponi, Mischa Dohler, “Cognition and Docition in OFDMA-Based Femtocell Networks,” IEEE Globecom 2010, 6-10 December 2010, Miami, USA.
  • A. Bartoli, J. Hernandez-Serrano, M. Soriano, Mischa Dohler, A. Kountouris, D. Barthel, “Secure Lossless Aggregation for Smart Grid M2M Networks,” IEEE SmartGridComm 2010, 4-6 October 2010, Gaithersburg, USA.
  • T. Predojev, J. Alonso-Zarate, Mischa Dohler, “Energy-Delay Tradeoff Analysis in Embedded M2M Networks with Channel Coding,” PIMRC 2010, 26-30 September 2010, Istanbul. Turkey, invited paper.
  • P. Blasco, L. Giupponi, A. Galindo-Serrano, Mischa Dohler, “Energy Benefits of Cooperative Docitive over Cognitive Networks,” EuMW2010 2010, 26 Sept. – 1 Oct. 2010, Paris, France, invited paper.
  • S.A. Meybodi, P. Pardo, Mischa Dohler, “Magneto-Inductive Communication among Pumps in a District Heating System,” 9th Intern. Symposium on Antennas, Propagation, and EM Theory, ISAPE 2010, Nov 29 – Dec 2, 2010, Guangzhou, China.
  • L. Benmesbah, B.W.K. Ling, V. Chandrasekhar, X. Chu, and Mischa Dohler, “Decentralized Spectral Resource Allocation for OFDMA Downlink of Coexisting Macro/Femto Networks using Filled Function Method,” CSNDSP 2010, 21-23 July 2010, Newcastle, UK.
  • J. Lu, F. Valois, Mischa Dohler, M.-Y. Wu, “Optimized Data Aggregation in WSNs using Adaptive ARMA,” Sensorcomm 2010, 18-25 July 2010, Venice, Italy.
  • A. Galindo-Serrano, L. Giupponi, Mischa Dohler, “BeFEMTO’s Self-Organized and Docitive Femtocells,” Future Network and Mobile Summit 2010, 16-18 June 2010, Florence, Italy, invited paper.
  • Z. Roth, M. Goldhamer, N. Chayat, A. Burr, Mischa Dohler, N. Bartzoudis, C. Walker, Y. Leibe, C. Oestges, M. Brzozowy, I. Bucaille, “Vision and Architecture Supporting Wireless GBit/sec/km2 Capacity Density Deployments,” Future Network and Mobile Summit 2010, 16-18 June 2010, Florence, Italy.
  • A. Galindo-Serrano, L. Giupponi, P. Blasco, Mischa Dohler, “Learning from Experts in Cognitive Radio Networks: The Docitive Paradigm,” Crowncom 2010, 9-11 June 2010, Cannes, France.
  • P. Blasco, L. Giupponi, A. Galindo-Serrano, Mischa Dohler, “Aggressive Joint Access & Backhaul Design For Distributed-Cognition 1Gbps/km2 System Architecture,” WWIC 2010, 1-3 June 2010, Lulea, Sweden, invited paper.
  • T. Watteyne, K. Pister, D. Barthel, Mischa Dohler, I. Augé-Blum, “Implementation of Gradient Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks,” IEEE Globecom 2009, Hawaii, USA.
  • P. Mary, Mischa Dohler, J.M. Gorce, G. Villemaud, “Symbol Error Outage for Spatial Multiplexing Systems in Rayleigh Fading Channel and Lognormal Shadowing,” IEEE International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances for Wireless Communications (SPAWC 2009), 21-24 June 2009, Perugia, Italy.
  • T. Watteyne, D. Barthel, Mischa Dohler, I. Augé-Blum, “Using Virtual Coordinates for Wireless Sensor Networks: Proof-of-Concept Experimentation,” 2nd Workshop on Experimental Evaluation and Deployment Experiences on Vehicular Networks (WEEDEV), April 6th, 2009, Washington D.C., USA (in conjunction with TRIDENTCOM 2009).
  • T. Watteyne, D. Barthel, Mischa Dohler, I. Augé-Blum, “A Cross-Layered Communication Architecture for WSNs based on Virtual Coordinates,” 4th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems (DCOSS), Santorini Island (Greece), June 11-14 2008.
  • T. Watteyne, I. Augé-Blum, Mischa Dohler, D. Barthel, “Reducing Collision Probability in Wireless Sensor Network Backoff-Based Election Mechanisms,” IEEE Globecom 2007, Washington DC, USA, November 2007.
  • T. Watteyne, I. Augé-Blum, Mischa Dohler, D. Barthel, “Geographic Forwarding in Wireless Sensor Networks with Loose Position-Awareness,” IEEE PIMRC 2007, Athens, Greece, September 2007.
  • T. Watteyne, D. Simplot-Ryl, I. Augé-Blum, Mischa Dohler, “On Using Virtual Coordinates for Routing in the Context of Wireless Sensor Networks,” IEEE PIMRC 2007, Athens, Greece, September 2007.
  • J.L. Lu, F. Valois, D. Barthel, Mischa Dohler, “Low-Energy Address Allocation Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks,” IEEE PIMRC 2007, Athens, Greece, September 2007.
  • P. Mary, Mischa Dohler, J.M. Gorce, G. Villemaud, M. Arndt, “Estimation du taux de coupure d’une liaison radio MIMO dans un canal de Nakagami avec effet de masque,” XXI Colloque GRETSI, 11-14 September 2007, Troyes, France, in French.
  • Mischa Dohler, D. Barthel, S. Aubert, C. Dugas, F. Maraninchi, M. Laurent, A. Buhrig, F. Paugnat, M. Renaudin, A. Duda, M. Heusse, F. Valois, “The ARESA Project: Facilitating Research, Development and Commercialization of WSNs,” IEEE SECON2007, San Diego, USA, June 2007.
  • Y. Li, B. Vucetic, Z. Zhou, Mischa Dohler, “Distributed Adaptive Power Allocation for Wireless Relay Networks,” IEEE ICC 2007, Glasgow, UK, June 2007.
  • T. Watteyne, I. Augé-Blum, Mischa Dohler, D. Barthel, “AnyBody: A Self-Organization Protocol for Body Area Networks,” ACM BodyNets 2007, Florence, Italy, 11-13 June 2007.
  • S. A. Ghorashi, Mischa Dohler, A.H. Aghvami, “Opportunistic Secondary Usage of Spectrum in CDMA-Based Systems,” WWC 2007, Stanford Park Hotel, USA, May 2007.
  • Mischa Dohler, T. Watteyne, D. Barthel, F. Valois, J. Lu, “Kumar’s, Zipf’s and Other Laws: How to Structure an Optimum Large-Scale Wireless (Sensor) Network?,” European Wireless 2007, April 2007, Conference CD-ROM, invited paper.
  • M. Ghozzi, Mischa Dohler, J. Palicot, “Blind Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Radios Using Delay-and-Multiply Devices,” IEEE SSD 2007, Hammamet, Tunisia.
  • P. Mary, J.M. Gorce, G. Villemaud, Mischa Dohler, M. Arndt, “Reduced Complexity MUD-MLSE Receiver for Partially-Overlapping WLAN-Like Interference,” IEEE VTC-Spring 2007, Dublin, Ireland.
  • P. Mary, J.M. Gorce, G. Villemaud, Mischa Dohler, M. Arndt, “Performance Analysis of Mitigated Asynchronous Spectrally-Overlapping WLAN Interference,” IEEE WCNC 2007, Hong Kong, China.
  • J.L. Lu, F. Valois, D. Barthel, Mischa Dohler, “A Fully Integrated Scheme of Self-Configuration and Self-Organization for WSN,” IEEE WCNC 2007, Hong Kong, China.
  • L. Musavian, M.R. Nakhai, Mischa Dohler, S. Aïssa, “Effect of Channel Uncertainty on the Mutual Information of MIMO Multiple Access Channels,” IEEE Globecom 2006, Montreal, Canada.
  • A. Lodhi, F. Said, Mischa Dohler, A.H. Aghvami, “An Error Probability Analysis of STBC MC-CDMA with Frequency-Correlated Subcarriers,” IEEE VTC Fall 2006, Montreal, Canada.
  • A. Lodhi, F. Said, Mischa Dohler, A.H. Aghvami, “Exact Bit Error Probability of CDD MC-CDMA System with Frequency-Correlated Subcarriers,” IEEE VTC Fall 2006, Montreal, Canada.
  • K. Voulgaris, A. Gkelias, I. Ashraf, Mischa Dohler, A.H. Aghvami, “Throughput Analysis of Wireless CSMA/CD for a finite user population,” IEEE VTC Fall 2006, Montreal, Canada.
  • I. Ashraf, A. Gkelias, K. Voulgaris, Mischa Dohler, A.H. Aghvami, “Co-existence of CSMA/CA and Bluetooth,” IEEE ICC 2006, Istanbul, Turkey, Volume 12, June 2006, pp. 5522-5527.
  • P.J. Smith, T.W. King, L.M. Garth, Mischa Dohler, “An Analysis of Low Complexity Algorithms for MIMO Antenna Selection,” IEEE ICC 2006, Istanbul, Turkey, Volume 3, June 2006, pp. 1380-1385.
  • T. Watteyne, A. Bachir, Mischa Dohler, D. Barthel, I. Auge-Blum, “1-hopMAC: An Energy-Efficient MAC Protocol for Avoiding 1-hop Neighborhood Knowledge,” IEEE IWWAN (SECON) 2006, vol. 2, 2006, pp. 639-644.
  • Mischa Dohler, S.A. Ghorashi, M. Ghozzi, M. Arndt, F. Said, A.H. Aghvami, “La radio cognitive dans les réseaux mobiles comme outil de traitement temporel opportuniste,” Journées Scientifiques du CNFRS, Paris, France, May, 2006.
  • M. Ghozzi, F. Marx, Mischa Dohler, J. Palicot, “Cyclostationarity-Based Test for Detection of Vacant Frequency Bands,” IEEE Crowncom’06, 8-10 June 2006, Mykonos, Greece.
  • Mischa Dohler, M. Arndt, D. Barthel, A. Lodhi, A.H. Aghvami, “Closed-Form Symbol Error Probabilities of Distributed Orthogonal Space-Time Block Codes,” IEEE VTC Spring 2006, Melbourne, Australia, Volume 4, May 2006, pp. 1908-1912.
  • L. Wang, V. Friderikos, M. Iwamura, N. Nafisi, A.H. Aghvami, Mischa Dohler, “DiffServ Aware Link Adaptation for CDMA Radio Systems,” IEEE Second International Conference on Quality of Service in Heterogeneous Wired/Wireless Networks, 22-24 Aug. 2005 Page(s): 4 pp.
  • R. Ferrus, A. Gelonch, O. Sallent, J. Perez-Romero, N. Nafisi, M. Dohler, “A feasible approach for QoS management in coordinated heterogeneous radio access networks,” IEEE IPCCC 2005, 7-9 April 2005 Page(s):607 – 614.
  • L. Musavian, Mischa Dohler, M.R. Nakhai, A.H. Aghvami, “Transmitter design in partially coherent antenna systems,” IEEE ICC 2005, Volume 4, 16-20 May 2005, pp.2261-2265, Vol. 4.
  • R. Dunek, M.J. Nawrocki, Mischa Dohler, A.H. Aghvami, “Application of Linear Solvers to UMTS Network Optimisation without and with Smart Antennas,” IEEE PIMRC 2005, Volume 4, 11-14 Sept. 2005 Page(s):2322 – 2326.
  • M.J. Nawrocki, Mischa Dohler, A.H. Aghvami, “On Cost Function Analysis for Antenna Optimisation in UMTS Networks,” IEEE PIMRC 2005, Volume 4, 11-14 Sept. 2005 Page(s):2327 – 2331.
  • Y. Li, B. Vucetic, Y. Tang, Z. Zhou, M. Dohler, “Practical Distributed Turbo Coding Through Soft Information Relaying,” IEEE PIMRC 2005, Volume 4, 11-14 Sept. 2005 Page(s):2707 – 2711.
  • S.A. Ghorashi, F. Said, M. Dohler, B. Allen, A.H. Aghvami, “Frequency Band Sharing in CDMA-Based Micro/Macro-Cellular Systems,” IEEE PIMRC 2005, Volume 3, 11-14 Sept. 2005 Page(s):1900 – 1904.
  • N. Nafisi, R. Ferrst, A. Geloncht, O. Sallent, J. Perez-Romerot, L. Wang, Mischa Dohler, A.H. Aghvami, “QoS-aware path selection in a B3G system,” IEEE PIMRC 2005, Volume 3, 11-14 Sept. 2005 Page(s): 1840 – 1844.
  • Mischa Dohler, A.H. Aghvami, Z. Zhou, Y. Li, B. Vucetic, “Capacity & Outage of TAS Schemes over Nakagami Channels,” COST273, Conference CD-ROM, Duisburg, Germany, September, 2004.
  • Mischa Dohler, M. Hussain, A. Desai, A.H. Aghvami, “Performance of distributed space-time block codes,” IEEE VTC-Spring 2004, Volume 2, 17-19 May 2004 Page(s):742 – 746 Vol.2.
  • M. Porretta, P. Nepa, G. Manara, F. Giannetti, Mischa Dohler, B. Allen, A.H. Aghvami, “Estimating position and velocity of mobile terminals in a microcellular network using an adaptive linear regression setup,” IEEE PIMRC 2004, Volume 1, 5-8 Sept. 2004 Page(s):561 – 565.
  • A. Gkelias, Mischa Dohler, A.H. Aghvami, “Throughput analysis for wireless multi-hop CSMA,” IEEE PIMRC 2004, Volume 2, 5-8 Sept. 2004 Page(s):979 – 983.
  • Mischa Dohler, A.H. Aghvami, Y. Li, B. Vucetic, “Stage-by-stage detection of distributed space-time block encoded relaying networks,” IEEE PIMRC 2004, Volume 4, 5-8 Sept. 2004 Page(s):2905 – 2909.
  • Mischa Dohler, B. Allen, A. Armogida, S. McGregor, M. Ghavami, A.H. Aghvami, “A novel powerloss model for short range UWB transmissions,” IEEE Conference on Ultrawideband Systems and Technologies, 18-21 May 2004 Page(s):81 – 85.
  • A. Gkelias, Mischa Dohler, V. Friderikos, A.H. Aghvami, “Wireless multi-hop CSMA/CA with cross-optimised PHY/MAC,” IEEE Globecom 2004 Workshop, 29 Nov.-3 Dec. 2004 Page(s):39 – 43.
  • Y. Li, B. Vucetic, Y. Tang, Mischa Dohler, “Hybrid space-time trellis codes for transmit antenna selection,” IEEE Globecom 2004, Volume 4, 29 Nov.-3 Dec. 2004 Page(s):2615 – 2619.
  • Mischa Dohler, B. Allen, A. Armogida, S. McGregor, M. Ghavami, A.H. Aghvami, “A new twist on UWB pathloss modelling,” IEEE VTC Spring 2004, Volume 1, 17-19 May 2004 Page(s):199 – 203.
  • Mischa Dohler, A. Gkelias, A.H. Aghvami, “Throughput of distributed-MIMO multi-stage communication networks over non-ergodic channels,” IEEE VTC Spring 2004, Volume 3, 17-19 May 2004 Page(s):1737 – 1741.
  • R. Brito, B. Allen, Mischa Dohler, A.H. Aghvami, “Spatial diversity for wireless LANs,” IEEE VTC Spring 2004, Volume 4, 17-19 May 2004 Page(s):2224 – 2228.
  • Mischa Dohler, A. Gkelias, A.H. Aghvami, “Distributed Relaying Networks,” COST273, Conference CD-ROM, Athens, Greece, January, 2004.
  • Mischa Dohler, A. Gkelias, A.H. Aghvami, “Throughput of Distributed-MIMO Multi-Stage Communication Networks over Ergodic Channels,” ICT 2004, Conference CD-ROM, Fortaleza, Barsil, 2004.
  • Mischa Dohler, F. Said, A.H. Aghvami, “Higher order space-time block codes for virtual antenna arrays,” IEEE ICT 2003, Conference CD-ROM, Tahiti, 2003.
  • Y. Socratous, Mischa Dohler, A.H. Aghvami, “W-CDMA downlink performance degradation due to multipath interference and channel estimation errors,” IEEE VTC Spring 2003, Volume 2, 22-25 April 2003 Page(s):1143 – 1147.
  • A. Kastrisios, Mischa Dohler, A.H. Aghvami, “Influence of channel characteristics on the performance of VAA with deployed STBCs,” IEEE VTC Spring 2003, Volume 2, 22-25 April 2003 Page(s):1138 – 1142.
  • Mischa Dohler, B.A. Rassool, A.H. Aghvami, “Performance evaluation of STTCs for virtual antenna arrays,” IEEE VTC Spring 2003, Volume 1, 22-25 April 2003 Page(s):57 – 60.
  • B.A. Rassool, F. Heliot, L. Revelly, M. Dohler, M.R. Nakhai, A.H. Aghvami, “Fast search techniques for obtaining space-time trellis codes for Rayleigh fading channels and its performance in CDMA systems,” IEEE VTC Spring 2003, Volume 1, 22-25 April 2003 Page(s):66 – 69.
  • Mischa Dohler, A.H. Aghvami, “WLANs with extended communication ranges,” IEEE VTC Spring 2003, Volume 4, 22-25 April 2003 Page(s):2750 – 2754.
  • M. Porretta, P. Nepa, G. Manara, F. Giannetti, A.H. Aghvami, M. Dohler, “Validation of a novel radio location technique by a deterministic propagation model,” IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation Society, Volume 1, 22-27 June 2003 Page(s):81 – 84.
  • Mischa Dohler, A.H. Aghvami, “Distributed PHY-layer mesh networks,” IEEE PIMRC 2003, Volume 3, 7-10 Sept. 2003 Page(s):2543 – 2547.
  • M. Porretta, P. Nepa, G. Manara, F. Giannetti, Mischa Dohler, B. Allen, A.H. Aghvami, “A novel single base station mobile location algorithm: description and validation using a deterministic propagation model,” IEE 4th International Conference on 3G Mobile Communication Technologies, 25-27 June 2003 Page(s):277 – 281.
  • Mischa Dohler, A.H. Aghvami, “A step towards MIMO: Virtual Antenna Arrays,” COST273, Conference CD-ROM, Barcelona, Spain, January, 2003.
  • Mischa Dohler, J. Dominguez, A.H. Aghvami, “Link capacity analysis for virtual antenna arrays,” IEEE VTC Fall 2002, Volume 1, 24-28 Sept. 2002 Page(s):440 – 443.
  • A. Gkelias, Mischa Dohler, A.H. Aghvami, “HIPERLAN/2 for vehicle-to-vehicle communication,” IEEE PIMRC 2002, Volume 3, 15-18 Sept. 2002 Page(s):1058 – 1062.
  • Mischa Dohler, E. Lefranc, A.H. Aghvami, “Space-time block codes for virtual antenna arrays,” IEEE PIMRC 2002, Volume 1, 15-18 Sept. 2002 Page(s):414 – 417.
  • Z. Zeng, Mischa Dohler, A.H. Aghvami, “System Performance of a W-CDMA based Network with deployed Virtual Antenna Arrays,” ICT 2002, Conference CD-ROM, Beijing, China, June 2002.
  • Mischa Dohler, E. Lefranc, A.H. Aghvami, “Virtual Antenna Arrays for Future Wireless Mobile Communication Systems,” ICT 2002, Conference CD-ROM, Beijing, China, June 2002.
  • Mischa Dohler, A.H. Aghvami, “An Overview over VAA,” EPSRC PREP 2002, Workshop CD-ROM, 17-19 April 2002, University of Nottingham, UK.
  • Mischa Dohler, A.H. Aghvami, “Virtual Antenna Arrays,” WWRF 2001, CD-ROM, Paris, France, December 2001.
  • Mischa Dohler, “Does ISI really degrade the System Performance?,” IST 2001, Conference CD-ROM, August 2001.
  • Mischa Dohler, A.D. Marbini, A.H. Aghvami, “Intelligent base station hand-over algorithm based upon a precise power drop model,” IEEE VTC Spring 2001, Volume 1, 6-9 May 2001 Page(s):377 – 381.
  • Mischa Dohler, M. Dell’Anna, A.H. Aghvami, “Pdf-Transformations for the Outdoor-Indoor Propagation Model,” IEEE VTC Spring 2000, Volume 3, 15-18 May 2000 Page(s):1646 – 1650.
  • Mischa Dohler, M. Dell’Anna, A.H. Aghvami, “A Propagation Model for the Outdoor-Indoor Interface of the Mobile Radio Environment,” International Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Davos, Switzerland, 2000.
  • Mischa Dohler, M. Dell’Anna, A.H. Aghvami, “A Survey on the Outdoor-Indoor Propagation Model, MPCS 1999, Ulm, Germany, 1999.

14. Pioneering Research

Research Areas:
  • 6G System Design. I am also heavily involved in the design of the next-generation 6G wireless system. We are now pioneering various novel concepts, which will become reality with 6G.
  • Internet of Skills. Based on underlying technologies of the Tactile Internet, AI and Haptic Encoders, we pioneer the  vision of an Internet of Skills which is able to democratise labour and wealth globally.
  • Cross-Disciplinary Co-Design. As part of the 5G and Tactile Internet design efforts, we have commenced to engage strongly with various verticals (medicine/health, arts, transport, gaming, etc) which is changing the way innovation is being conducted in these eco-systems. Watch out for the Connected Arts work coming later this year!
  • [past] Tactile Internet. We have been pioneering an entirely novel form of the Internet which allows the transmission of touch, in addition to sound, video and information. We think it will be the next big internet after the Internet of Things (info #1, #2, #3).
  • [past] Internet of Things. Through early academic research, industry contributions at France Telecom, cofounder of Worldsensing, and founding member of a few IoT/M2M standards, I have made substantial contributions to the development of this exciting field which has also been recognized by the IEEE when I was awarded the Fellow status.
  • [past] Smart Cities. Being cofounder of Worldsensing, I have been part of the Smart Cities movement from the early beginning; indeed, we shaped much of Barcelona’s smart city vision which has had global impact. Today, I am part of a few very instrumental smart city standards initiatives.
  • [past] Machine Learning. Whilst at CTTC, I pioneered the field of docitive radio which combines reinforcement learning with cooperative communications, which was shown to yield massive outage and stability gains compared to other machine learning approaches.
  • [past] Security. I have worked on many aspects of security, but mostly applied to the emerging Internet of Things. I was founding member of several standards bodies on IoT where I specifically contributed to the security specifications.
  • [past] Wireless Sensor Networks. The field has moved on but – whilst at France Telecom – I have been pioneering some of the access and routing methods for sensor networks which have entered some industry standards recently.
  • [past] Inverse Error Rates. Together with P. Mary, we have pioneered the field of invertible error rates under shadow channels. This allowed many system throughput expressions to be derived in closed form and thus eliminated the need for lengthy system level simulations.  
  • [past] Cooperative Systems. I have pioneered the field of cooperative communications, where I was the first to propose to use multiple single antennas from handset to form a cooperative array to yield higher capacity. I held the first key patent in this field, which has now become a de-facto research area on its own in the academic community.
Secured & Involved Projects (£.1bn total; £15m to own institutions):
  • DoD / NSF Projects ($400k, 2022-2023): 5G security
  • EDGE-UCATE (£100k, FLAME consortium, 2019-2020): edge cloud technology
  • 5G Integration (BT Industry Grant, 2018-2022): Traffic Splitting & Switching
  • Primo-5G (£1.6m, EC H2020, 2018-2021): Virtual Presence in 5G
  • LoCoMoTe (£1m, EPSRC, 2018-21): Internet of Skills for Colonoscopy
  • Mobile Edge Computation in 5G (£64k, Vodafone Industry grant)
  • 5GUK (£16m, UK Government, 2017-2018): world’s first e2e 5G system
  • 5GPP 5GCAR (£300k for KCL, EC H2020, 2017-2020): 5G-enabled automotive
  • IoT Retina (£550k for KCL, EPSRC, 2017-2020): machine-vision in IoT
  • SENSE (£550k for KCL, EPSRC, 2016-2019): full duplex 5G systems
  • Connected Arts (undisclosed sum): awesome 5G usecase with performing arts
  • 5G Testbeds (€400k for KCL, EPSRC, 2016-2019): connect UK 5G testbeds
  • 5GPP NORMA (€500k for KCL, EC H2020, 2015-2018): 5G radio architecture
  • 5GPP VirtuWind (€500k for KCL, EC H2020, 2015-2018): SDN/NFV implementation
  • Ericsson Industry Project (2015-ongoing): Tactile Internet 5G design
  • EXALTED (€400k for CTTC, EC FP7, 2010-2013): M2M for cellular & capillary systems
  • VITRO (€400k for CTTC, EC FP7, 2010-2013): virtualization for WSNs
  • BuNGee (€400k for CTTTC, EC FP7, 2009-2012): pre-5G design for 1Gbps/km2 rate
  • BeFEMTO (€500 for CTTC, EC FP7, 2009-2012): networked femtocell design
  • Acropolis (€200k for CTTC, £300k for KCL, EC FP7, 2010-2013): cognitive radios
  • OUTSMART (€300k for Worldsensing, EC FP7, 2010-2013): Smart Cities Technologies
  • CALIPSO (€300k for Worldsensing, EC FP7, 2010-2013): IPv6 networking over WSNs
  • RelyOnIt (€120k for Worldsensing, EC FP7, 2012-2015): Dependability for WSNs
  • Qatar NSF (€300k for CTTC, Qatar NSF, 2013-2015): self-organizing networking
  • NEWCOM (€300k for CTTC, EC FP7, 2009-2005): various topics since NoE
  • ARESA (€400k for Orange, ANR, 2006-2008): IPv6 for WSNs
  • DEMAIN (€300k for Orange, ANR, 2006-2008): Cognitive Radio
  • E2R2 (€600k for Orange & KCL, EC FP6): Reconfigurable Radio Systems
  • MIND (€400k for KCL, EC FP6, 2000-2003): broadband network design
  • MVCE Core 1-4 (€1m for KCL, UK companies + government, 1998-2005): many topics
  • AROMA (€500k for KCL, EC FP7, 2005-2008): 3GPP developments
  • EVEREST (€500k for KCL, EC FP6, 2003-2005): 3GPP developments
  • OPTIMISM (Marie Curie Host): UMTS automatic optimisation
  • COST273 (NoE under FP6): various topics

15. Editorial Duties

Book Series Editor:
  • Wiley Book Series on “Cooperative Communications”, with “”Hardware, Channel & PHY“, “Capacity Fundamentals”, “MAC Protocols”, “Network Coding”, and more.
  • Cambridge Book Series on “Emerging Telecommunications Technologies”, with first titles to appear shortly.
 Journals & Magazines:
  • [past] Lead Editor of IEEE Comms Mag IoT Series.
  • [past, now “Emeritus Editor”] Editor-in-Chief of Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies [2012 Editorial, 2012 Statistics].
  • [past] Editor-in-Chief of EAI Transactions on Internet of Things.
  • [past] Area Editor of IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications.
  • [past] Senior Technical Editor of IEEE Communications Magazine.
  • [past] Editorial Board of IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials.
  • [past] Area Editor of IEEE Internet of Things Journal.
  • [past] Editor of Open Journal of Internet of Things (OJIOT).
  • [past] Editor of EAI Trans on INIS Journal.
  • [past] Technical Editor of IEEE Wireless Communications.
  • [past] Executive Editor of European Transactions on Telecommunications
  • [past] Editor of IEEE ComSoc Multimedia Communications TC E-Letters.
  • [past] Editor of Intern. J. of Parallel, Emergent and Distributes Systems.
  • [past] Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.
  • [past] Associate Editor of IEEE Communications Letters.
  • [past] Editorial Board of IET Communications.
  • [past] Editorial Board of Elsevier PHYCOM – Physical Communication.
  • [past] Editorial Board of EURASIP Journal on Wireless Comms & Networking.
  • [past] Editorial Board of Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering.
  • [past] Editorial Board of Information Technology Journal.
  • [past] Editorial Board of Trends in Applied Sciences Research.
  • [past] Editorial Board of Asian Journal of Mathematics and Statistics.
  • [past] Editorial Board of Bentham Science Recent Patents on Computer Science.
  • [past] Editorial Board of Intern. J. of Comm. Netw. and Distr. Systems.
Special Issues:
  • Lead-editor for Specia Issue on the “Metaverse,” IEEE Communications Magazine, submission deadline: October 2022.
  • Co-editor for Special Issue on “Multimedia Communication in the Internet of Things (IoT),” IEEE Transactions on the Internet of Things (IoT), submission deadline: February 2016.
  • Co-editor for Special Issue on “Mobile Big Data,” IEEE Network Magazine, publication May 2016.
  • Co-editor for Special Issue on “Low Energy Short Range Wireless Communications,” International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, Hindawi, submission deadline: November 2015.
  • Co-editor for Special Issue on “Best Papers of IEEE PIMRC 2013,” Springer Int J Wireless Inf Networks, DOI 10.1007/s10776-014-0248-6, September 2014.
  • Leading editor for Feature Issue on “Smart Cities – Trends and Technologies,” Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, vol 25, issue1, Jan 2014.
  • Co-editor for Special Issue on the key theme of “Smart Cities” for the IEEE E-Letter of Multimedia Communications Technical Committee (MMTC), 2014.
  • Co-editor for Special Issue on “Internet of Things: Architecture, Protocols and Services,” IEEE Sensors Journal, submission deadline 31 January 2013.
  • Leading editor for Special Issue on “Machine-to-Machine Technologies & Architectures,” IEEE Transactions on Tutorials & Surveys, submission deadline 1 November 2012.
  • Leading editor for Special Issue on “Smart Cities,” IEEE Communications Magazine, submission deadline 10 September 2012.
  • Co-editor for Special Issue on “Cooperative and Networked Femtocells“, ACM/Springer Mobile Networks and Applications (MONET) Journal, publication October 2012.
  • Co-editor for Special Issue on “Communications and Networking for Smart Grid,” KICS/IEEE Journal of Communications and Networks (JCN), publication December 2012.
  • Co-editor for Special Issue on “Signal Processing Techniques for Smart Grid“, IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, publication September 2012.
  • Co-editor for Special Issue on “Femtocell Networks“, IEEE JSAC, publication April 2012.
  • Leading co-editor for Special Issue on “Simple Wireless Sensor Networking Solutions“, IEEE JSAC, publication September 2010.
  • Leading editor for Special Issue on “Multimedia Over Femto Cells“, E-Letters, IEEE ComSoc Multimedia Technical Committee, publication September 2010.
  • Leading editor for Special Issue on “Multimedia Over Embedded Systems“, E-Letters, IEEE ComSoc Multimedia Technical Committee, publication May 2010.
  • Co-editor for Special Issue on “Challenges in Next-Generation Networks”, Springer Telecommunication Systems Journal, publication Q4 2010.
  • Co-editor for Special Issue on “Energy Efficiency in Wireless Sensor Networks”, Springer International Journal of Wireless Information Networks, invited papers from IEEE PIMRC 2008 only.
  • Leading co-editor for Special Issue on “Cognitive Spectrum Access“, IET Communications, July 2008.
  • Leading co-editor for Special Issue on “Novel Techniques for Analysis & Design of Cross-Layer Optimized Wireless Sensor Networks”, EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, May 2007.
  • Co-editor for Special Issue on “Cooperation in Wireless Networks“, Springer Wireless Personal Communications, October 2007.

16. Tutorials

 Online Tutorials / MOOCs:
IEEE Distinguished Lectures:
  • Mischa Dohler, “Disruptive Tech – The Next Frontier,” Technology Excellence Business Training for Vodafone, Imperial College Business School, 16 June 2015, London, UK.
  • Mischa Dohler, “Smart Cities – Devices, Connectivity, Business Models, Citizens,” ARUP Smart City Business Course, 18 November 2014, Imperial College, London, UK.
  • Mischa Dohler, “Machine-to-Machine Technologies & Markets – Shift of Industries,” WPMC 2014, 8 September 2014, Sydney, Australia (20 attendees).
  • Mischa Dohler, J. Alonso-Zárate “Machine-to-Machine Technologies & Markets – Shift of Industries,” IEEE WCNC 2014, 6 April 2014, Istanbul, Turkey (50 attendees).
  • Mischa Dohler, M. Hatton, J. Alonso-Zárate “Machine-to-Machine Technologies & Markets – Shift of Industries,” IEEE Globecom 2013, December 2013 (50 attendees).
  • G. Fettweis, Mischa Dohler, J. Barros, “Entrepreneurship – First Hand Accounts,” IEEE PIMRC 2013, 9 September 2013, London, UK (100 attendees).
  • Mischa Dohler, M. Hatton, J. Alonso-Zarate, M. Balestrini, “Smart Cities – Technologies, Big Data and Citizens,” IEEE PIMRC 2013, 8 September 2013, London, UK (50 attendees).
  • A. Imran and Mischa Dohler, “Self-Organizing Networks (SON): From Conception to Realization,” IEEE ICC 2013, 9 June 2013, Budapest, Hungary (40 attendees).
  • A. Imran and Mischa Dohler, “Self-Organizing Networks (SON): From Conception to Realization,” Tutorial at QMUL, London, UK (40 attendees).
  • Mischa Dohler, J. Alonso-Zárate “M2M in Smart Grid & Smart Cities: Technologies, Standards, and Applications,” European Wireless, April 2013, Surrey, UK (20 attendees).
  • Mischa Dohler, J. Alonso-Zárate “M2M in Smart Grid & Smart Cities: Technologies, Standards, and Applications,” Conference on Pervasive Internet of Things and Smart Cities (PITSaC), March 2013, Barcelona, Spain (40 attendees).
  • Mischa Dohler “A Primer Of Cutting-Edge Telecommunications Technologies : Machine-to-Machine and 5G Cellular” & “Building Your Company – First-Hand Account What Not To Do” Tutorial Tour at Hamilton Institute, TCD and UCD, Ireland, 21/22 January 2013 (recording).
  • Mischa Dohler, J. Alonso-Zárate “M2M in Smart Grid & Smart Cities: Technologies, Standards, and Applications,” IEEE Globecom 2012, Tutorial, December 2012, Anaheim, California, USA (>120 attendees, >50,000 slide downloads!).
  • Mischa Dohler “A Primer Of Cutting-Edge Telecommunications Technologies : Machine-to-Machine, Femtocells, 5G Cellular,” Graduate Lecture Tutorial, Bologna University, Italy, 23 November 2012.
  • J. Alonso-Zárate (presenter), Mischa Dohler “M2M in Smart Grid & Smart Cities: Technologies, Standards, and Applications,” COST-TERRA Summer School, Dublin, Ireland, July 2012 (more than 30 attendees).
  • Mischa Dohler, J. Alonso-Zárate “M2M in Smart Grid & Smart Cities: Technologies, Standards, and Applications,” IEEE ComSoc Tutorial Now, full online view available shortly (trailer).
  • Mischa Dohler, J. Alonso-Zárate (presenter) “M2M in Smart Grid & Smart Cities: Technologies, Standards, and Applications,” European Wireless 2012, Tutorial, April 2012, Poznan, Poland (15 attendees).
  • Mischa Dohler, J. Alonso-Zárate “M2M in Smart Grid & Smart Cities: Technologies, Standards, and Applications,” IEEE WCNC 2012, Tutorial, April 2012, Paris, France (50 attendees).
  • Mischa Dohler “LTE/LTE-A SON (for Femtocells),” Femtocells Winterschool 2012, Tutorial, February 2012, Barcelona, Spain (50 attendees).
  • Mischa Dohler, J. Alonso-Zárate “M2M in Smart Grid & Smart Cities: Technologies, Standards, and Applications,” COST IC1004 2012, Tutorial, February 2012, Barcelona, Spain (30 attendees).
  • Mischa Dohler, J. Alonso-Zárate “M2M in Smart Grid & Smart Cities: Technologies, Standards, and Applications,” ISABEL 2011, Tutorial, October 2011, Barcelona, Spain.
  • Mischa Dohler, T. Watteyne, J. Alonso-Zárate “Machine-to-Machine: An Emerging Communication Paradigm,” Globecom 2010, Short Tutorial, December 2010, Miami, USA (60 attendees).
  • Mischa Dohler, T. Watteyne, J. Alonso-Zárate “Machine-to-Machine: An Emerging Communication Paradigm,” PIMRC2010, Half-Day Tutorial, September 2010, Istanbul, Turkey (30 attendees).
  • Mischa Dohler, T. Watteyne, J. Alonso-Zárate “Machine-to-Machine: An Emerging Communication Paradigm,” MONAMI 2010, Half-Day Tutorial, September 2010, Santander, Spain (30 attendees).
  • Mischa Dohler, T. Watteyne, J. Alonso-Zárate “Machine-to-Machine:  An Emerging Communication Paradigm,” Mobilight 2010, Half-Day Tutorial, May 2010, Barcelona, Spain (60 attendees, presented by J. Alonso).
  • Mischa Dohler “A Crash Course on Cooperative Wireless Networks,” Lecture at BUAA, October 2009, Beijing, China (30 attendees).
  • Mischa Dohler “The Internet of Things Goes Wireless: R&D Challenges in WSNs,” Lecture at BUPT, October 2009, Beijing, China (100 attendees).
  • Mischa Dohler, “Cooperative Channel Modeling,” Course of the European School of Antennas PhD Program, 28 September – 2 October 2009, CTTC, Barcelona, Spain (30 attendees).
  • T. Watteyne, Mischa Dohler “The Internet of Things goes Wireless,” Lecture Series at UCL, Imperial College & KCL, September 2009, London, UK (60 attendees).
  • Mischa Dohler, T. Watteyne “The Internet of Things goes Wireless,” IEEE ICC 2009, Half-Day Tutorial, June 2009, Dresden, Germany (10 attendees).
  • Mischa Dohler, T. Watteyne “Wireless Sensor Networks – Latest Trends and Techniques in R&D,” IEEE VTC Fall 2008, Half-Day Tutorial, September 2008, Calgary, Canada (8 attendees).
  • Mischa Dohler, T. Watteyne “Wireless Sensor Networks – An Industrial R&D Perspective,” WPMC 2008, Full-Day Tutorial, September 2008, Lapland, Finland (35 attendees).
  • Mischa Dohler, “A Crash-Course on Cooperative Wireless Networks [PDF] [YouTube]” ACoRN Workshop, Full-Day Tutorial, July 2008, Melbourne, Australia (50 attendees).
  • Mischa Dohler, “A Crash-Course on Cooperative Wireless Networks [PDF] [YouTube]” Full-Day Tutorial, May 2008, Oulu, Finland (50 attendees).
  • Mischa Dohler, A.H. Aghvami, “A Crash-Course on Cooperative Wireless Networks [PDF] [YouTube]” IEEE ICC 2008, Half-Day Tutorial, Beijing, China (9 attendees).
  • Mischa Dohler, A.H. Aghvami, “Wireless Cooperative Communication Networks [PDF] [YouTube] [Online Course]” IEEE ComSoc Tutorials Now, October 2007, online tutorial.
  • Mischa Dohler, “Cooperative Relaying Systems – Ripe or Hype?,” 4G REMON & ISRC Consortia, Full-Day Tutorial, September 2007, Tel Aviv, Israel (60 attendees).
  • Mischa Dohler, A.H. Aghvami, “A Crash-Course on Cooperative Wireless Networks [PDF] [YouTube]” IEEE ICC 2007, Half-Day Tutorial, Glasgow, UK (15 attendees).
  • R. Verdone, Mischa Dohler, A.H. Aghvami, “Theoretical Aspects of Wireless Sensor and Ad Hoc Networks,” IEEE VTC 2007, Half-Day Tutorial, Dublin, Ireland (21 attendees).
  • Mischa Dohler, A.H. Aghvami, “Distributed Cooperative Communication Networks – with application to cellular, ad hoc and sensor networks [PDF] [YouTube]” IEEE WCNC 2007, Half-Day Tutorial, Hong Kong, China (12 attendees).
  • Mischa Dohler, A.H. Aghvami, “Theoretical Aspects of Wireless Sensor and Ad Hoc Networks – Part I: Distributed Cooperative Communication Techniques,” IEEE PIMRC 2006, Half-Day Tutorial, Helsinki, Finland (>60 attendees).
  • Mischa Dohler, A.H. Aghvami, “Distributed Cooperative Communication Networks – with application to cellular, ad hoc and sensor networks [PDF] [YouTube]” IEEE VTC Spring 2006, Half-Day Tutorial, Melbourne, Australia (>40 attendees).
  • Mischa Dohler, A.H. Aghvami, “Distributed-MIMO Multi-Stage Communication Networks [PDF] [YouTube]” COST273 in 2004, Half-Day Tutorial, Duisburg, Germany.
  • Mischa Dohler, A.H. Aghvami, “Distributed-MIMO Multi-Stage Communication Networks [PDF] [YouTube]” IEEE VTC Spring 2004, Half-Day Tutorial, Milan, Italy.
  • A.H. Aghvami, Mischa Dohler, “UMTS / IMT2000,” ATAMS 2002, Half-Day Tutorial, Krakow, Poland.
  • A.H. Aghvami, Mischa Dohler, “UMTS / IMT2000,” IEEE WPMC 2002, Half-Day Tutorial, Hawaii, US.

17. Conferencing

General Conference Chair:
Technical Conference Chair:
  • IEEE WCNC 2018, April 2018, Barcelona, Spain
  • Stemcom 2016, April 2016, Guildford, UK.
  • IEEE SmartGridComm 2015, Miami, Florida, US.
  • IEEE WiMob 2015, Abu Dhabi, UAE.
  • European Wireless 2014, Barcelona, Spain.
  • IEEE iThings, August 2013, Beijing, China.
  • ChinaCom 2010, August 2010, Beijing, China.
  • WiMob 2009, October 2009, Marrakech, Morocco.
  • ICT 2009, May 2009, Marrakech, Morocco.
  • IWCLD 2009, June 2009, Mallorca, Spain.
  • PIMRC 2008, September 2008, Cannes, France.
  • IWWAN 2006, June 2006, NYC, USA.
  • IWWAN 2005, May 2005, London, UK.
  • ICT 2005, May 2005, Cape Town, South Africa.
Technical Track Chair:
Tutorial Chair:
  • Globecom 2014, 2014, Austin, USA.
  • ISWCS 2014, 2014, Barcelona, Spain.
  • ICC 2010, 2010, Cape Town, South Africa.
  • WCNC 2010, 2010, Sydney, Australia.
  • WiMob 2010, 11-13 October 2010, Niagara Falls, Canada.
  • WiMob 2008, 12-18 October 2008, Avignon, France.
  • ICT 2008, 16-19 June 2008, St. Petersburg, Russia.
Workshop Chair:
  • “5G & Beyond – Enabling Techn. and Applications” @ IEEE Globecom 2015, US.
  • “5G & Beyond – Enabling Techn. and Applications” @ IEEE ICC 2015, London, UK.
  • “IoT-Sys” @ MobiSys 2015, Florence, Italy.
  • “5G Architecture” @ IEEE WCNC 2015, New Orleans, US.
  • Ubiquitous Wireless Sensor Systems” @ 2015 Smart World Congress, China.
  • VTC Spring 2013, April 2013, Dresden, Germany.
  • Cognitive and Machine-to-Machine Communications and Networking for Smart Grids (ComeOn) @ IEEE SmartGridComm 2012, November 2012, Tainan, Taiwan.
  • M2M Communications and Networking @ INFOCOM 2011, April 2011, China.
  • Cooperative Heterogeneous Networks @ ICCCN 2011, July 2011, Hawaii, USA.
Various Other Positions:
Technical Program Committee:
  • ICC 2013, GC 2013
  • WCNC 2012, SmartGridComm 2012, GC2012
  • ICC2011, SmartGridComm 2011, GreenCom 2011, ISCC 2011
  • SmartGridComm 2010, Globecom 2010, NoF 2010, ICC 2010, WCNC 2010, WCC 2010, CogART 2010
  • Globecom 2009, ICC 2009, EW 2009, MESH 2009, UBICOMM 2009
  • EW 2008, ICC 2008, SECON 2008, EWSN 2008, SensorCOM 2008, ICT 2008, WiMob 2008, Hetersenet 2008
  • SECON 2007, VTC Spring 2007, PIMRC 2007, ISIT 2007, WCNC 2007 – Phy/MAC, MedHoc 2007, USN 2007, SENSORCOMM 2007, WoWMoM 2007, SISPIC 2007, ICISA 2007, IST 2007, ICWMC 2007, EW 2007, WINSYS 2007, WNC3 2007, SSD 2007, ICCSA 2007, LOCAN 2007, FGCN 2007, Med-Hoc-Net-2007, ICTES-07, IPC 2007
  • ICC 2006, VTC Spring 2006, ICT 2006, WEMIC 2006, AD HOC NOW 2006, IST Mobile Summit 2006, PIMRC 2006, ICWMC 2006, MEDHOCNET 2006, AdHocNow2006, ISWCS2006, WiMeshNet 2006, ICC2006, MSN2006, LOCAN 2006
  • PIMRC 2005, APCC 2005 … and many more in previous years.

18. Students

  • “Entrepreneurship and Leadership,” 2017-ongoing, UG classes, King’s College London, UK.
  • “Principles of Management,” 2014-ongoing, MSc classes, King’s College London, UK.
  • “Project Management,” 2014-2018, MSc classes, King’s College London, UK.
  • “Wireless Sensor Networks – Facilitating the Internet of Things” & “Machine-to-Machine – An Emerging Communication Paradigm” 2010, Postgraduate class of 15 students, UPM, Madrid, Spain.
  • “Wireless Sensor Networks,” 2008, Postgraduate class of 14 students, UJF, Grenoble, France.
  • “Physical Layer,” 2006/07, Postgraduate class of around 10 students, INSA, Lyon, France.
  • “Antennas & Propagation,” 2001 – 2005, Postgraduate class of around 50 students, Centre for Telecommunication Research, King’s College London, UK.
  • “Linear Circuits & Dynamics,” 2002 – 2005, Undergraduate class of around 130 students, Centre for Telecommunication Research, King’s College London, UK.
MSc and UG Projects (excerpt from >20 per year):
  • Artificial Intelligence Programming,” Alin Fulga, 2018-2019.
  • Applicability of Distributed Ledger Technology in the Fashion Industry,” Kornel Lewicki, 2018-2019.
  • Currency Exchanges on an Advanced Distributed Ledger ,” Pablo Seguin Llosa, 2018-2019.
  • Advanced Distributed Ledger Project For Music Copyrights,” Yuji Xing, 2018-2019.
  • “Quantum Computing in Financial Services”, Ayoola Oluwanusin, 2018-2019.
  • “The Classifying of Cancer from MRI with Convolutional Neural Networks,” Sebastian Flower, 2018-2019.
  • “Progressive adversarial music generation,” Tamas Kormendi, 2018-2019.
  • “Comparative Study of the AR Architecture within the Context of Face-Based AR Social Media Applications,” Atheer Musa, 2018-2019.
  • “Blockchain for Coffee Supplychain Management,” Anyakwo Florence, 2018-2019.
  • “Virtual Reality Percussion Emulator Aided by Artificial Intelligence,” Hani Tawil, 2018-2019.
  • “Using Distributed Ledger Technology to Manage Patient Data in Healthcare,” Hashim Ali Rehman, 2018-2019.
  • “A Theoretical approach to a Quantum Fourier Convolution Neural Network,” Ivor Yuen, 2018-2019.
  • “Smart Data Analytics: The Application of Analytics to Wearables for the Purpose of Health Monitoring,” Kawon Barialay, 2018-2019.
  • “Beaconless Free-Space Optical Link for Inter-Satellite Communication,” Elhariry Mohamed, 2018-2019.
  • “Deep Learning Approaches to Image Classification for Identifying Type of Food and its Calories,” Mohammad Sadi, 2018-2019.
  • “A Modern Approach to Exploring Pollution in London,” Omar Rahman, 2018-2019.
  • “Unreal VR / AI Audience Participation Games,” Rewaz Esameel, 2018-2019.
  • “Decentralized Questions and Answers Forum for Technical Topics,” Vlad-Constantin Nedelescu, 2018-2019.

19. Entrepreneurship

  • Worldsensing. I have held various executive roles in Worldsensing, a company I cofounded. Since early 2013, I am a non-executive member of the Board of Directors of Worldsensing worldwide, where I reports to investors, shape the company strategy on international expansion and help secure important sales bids. From 2009-2012, I have been the CTO where I impacted the choice and use of wireless technologies for Worldsensing’s product portfolio; and also negotiated major tenders for the company, notably the Moscow smart parking tender. Worldsensing has become one of the world’s leading B2B instrumentation companies, leveraging its knowledge in the Industrial Internet and Machine-to-Machine technologies. It had press coverage by the BBC and the Wall Street Journal. It closed its latest investment round of $5m early 2013. It employes around 50 people worldwide, i.e. in Barcelona and London. It sells successfully into the smart traffic market as part of the Smart City developments (FastPrk, Sensefields, BitCarrier) and the industrial monitoring markets (Loadsensing, Spidernano).
  • Moving Beans. One of the most exciting businesses I have started. We pioneered Nespresso-compatible Compostable Coffee Pods – We Have Revamped Our Youtube Channel, with great coffee and affordable to all.
  • SiriusInsight.AI. Innovative business which I co-founded and where I acted as CTO. The focus of the company is on situational awareness for the maritime industry.
  • 5G-Courses [past]. The CEO, Piotr, has drawn me as narrator and then co-founder into this venture and I remain highly excited about it. In fact, I believe in the platform so much that I contributed with a course of my own, i.e. “IoT in 5G”.

20. Mentoring & Judging

21. Innovation Policy

  • Policy response to Nation Spectrum Consortium (NSC), USA, 2022.
  • FCC (US Regulator) Technical Advisory Committee, 2022-ongoing.
  • Ofcom (UK Regulator) Spectrum Advisory Board, 2016-ongoing.
  • Global Digital Governance, with Cambridge University
  • From 5G to 6G Governance, with Cambridge University and D Simeonidou
  • Security of UK Telecommunications for the UK Parliament
  • Round-table in Brussels on Net Neutrality regulation
  • Advice to UK National Infrastructure Commission on 5G
  • Contributor to Lord Adonis’ King’s Commission on London 2029
  • UK Department for Business Innovation & Skills on 5G, IoT, entrepreneurship
  • UK House of Commons on Innovation, Digital Agenda, 5G and the IoT
  • “Foresight Europe 2030” initiative on next-generation technology
  • Policy input to UK’s Design Council for their report on “Restarting Britain III”
  • Adviser to Innovate UK’s Connected Digital Economy Catapult on IoT
  • Strategy document for the Digital Policy Alliance (Lord Erroll & Parliamentary Chair J Huppert MP)
  • Adviser/contributor to Richard Branson’s Carbon War Room initiative
  • Policy contributor for Cambridge’s Centre for Science and Policy
  • Spectrum policy work for the International Telecommunications Union
  • M2M policy for EC’s Body of European Regulators (BEREC)
  • Adviser to the European Commission on the Future Internet & H2020

22. Standards

23. Committees

  • IEEE 5G Initiative, “5G Roadmap” Chair, 2016-2018.
  • IEEE ComSoc Emerging Technologies Tactile Internet Sub-Committee: Vice-Chair, 2015-2017.
  • IEEE Computer Society (CS) Special Technical Communities (STC) on the Internet-of-Everything (IoE): Vice-Chair, 2015-2016.
  • UK ITU-T Coordination Committee, 2015-2016.

24. Patents

  • A. Kountouris, D. Barthel, Mischa Dohler, A. Bartoli, JH Serrano, M. Soriano, “PHY-Layer Security Through Preamble Authentication,” PCT/FR2012/051352, priority date 17/06/2011.
  • T. Watteyne, Mischa Dohler, I. Augé-Blum, S. Ubeda, “Utilisation de coordonnées virtuelles et de transformation centroïde pour le routage dans les réseaux de capteurs,” filed by France Télécom R&D, 2007.
  • A. Saadani, Mischa Dohler, “On advanced relaying schemes,” filed by France Telecom R&D, 2007.
  • M. Ghozzi, Mischa Dohler, “Detection and Estimation of Primary System for Cognitive Radios,” filed by France Télécom R&D, 2007.
  • M. Ghozzi, Mischa Dohler, M. Arndt, “Test for vacancy of frequency band,” filed by France Télécom R&D, 2006.
  • J. Lu, F. Valois, D. Barthel, Mischa Dohler, “Procédé pour organiser un réseau d’objets communicants,” filed by France Télécom R&D, 2006.
  • T. Watteyne, A. Bachir, Mischa Dohler, D. Barthel, I. Augé-Blum, “A low-energy adaptive cross-layer communication protocol for avoiding 1-hop neighborhood knowledge,” filed by France Télécom R&D, 2006.
  • A. Lodhi, F. Said, Mischa Dohler, A.H. Aghvami, “Low Complexity STC,” filed by King’s College London, 2005.
  • P.A. Pangalos, A.H. Aghvami, V.A. Friderikos, Mischa Dohler, “A method of mapping a first interface to a second interface, and people presence estimation method,” filed by King’s College London, 2005.
  • P.A. Pangalos, A.H. Aghvami, V.A. Friderikos, Mischa Dohler, “A method of mapping a first interface to a second interface,” filed by King’s College London, 2005.
  • P.A. Pangalos, A.H. Aghvami, V.A. Friderikos, Mischa Dohler, “People presence estimation method,” filed by King’s College London, 2005.
  • Mischa Dohler, A.H. Aghvami, F. Said, S.A. Ghorashi, “Virtual Antenna Arrays and distributed cooperative communication systems,” filed by King’s College London, 2001.

25. Industry Projects

  • Consultancy (2015-2021). I am an experienced tech consultant, with focus on patent litigations, tech strategy, as well as business and market analysis.
  • Ericsson (2015-2021). I am engaged in a very exciting 5G and Tactile Internet industry project with Ericsson, with more information given here.
  • DoCoMo (2004-2005). I was engaged in a MIMO transceiver design project with DoCoMo, Munich.